Re: Fan control ?

2009-09-16 Thread John K. Parejko
Hello, I just signed up to debian-powerpc, and noticed Niels S. Eliasen's question from September 7th. I was able to get some power management and sensors working on my g4 powerbook (12" 1.33GHz PowerBook6,4). It is now serving as a webserver, NAT firewall, and wireless access point. (hos

lenny->squeeze upgrade success (and b43 hostapd question)

2011-04-05 Thread John K. Parejko
Hello debian powerpc users and developers, I would just like to report a mostly successful upgrade of a 1GHz 12" powerbook from lenny to squeeze last night. This system serves as my firewall, router, NAT, webserver, and wireless access point, and I'd been delaying the upgrade out of fear of bo