Re: security patches for PowerPC ?

2002-11-06 Thread jens francke
hmm as far as i noticed they come delyed a few hours max. most of time on the same date when i386 appear, so shouldnt be a problem ;) On Wednesday, November 6, 2002, at 10:38 AM, von Boehn, Gunnar wrote: Hi, could somebody please tell me whether security patches come out at the same date

Re: Keyboard messed up with new kernel

2002-12-30 Thread jens francke
yes it is a common problem and easy to fix. i assume you are using woody. read this: hope it helps -jens On Montag, Dezember 30, 2002, at 11:31 Uhr, Nathan S. wrote: I have a feeling that this is a common problem, but I haven't been able to find an

Re: test

2003-02-20 Thread jens francke
absolutly no tolerance for that mail ! why u do that ? go test somewhere else please . waste of bandwith regards On Thursday, February 20, 2003, at 09:19 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: not spam, just a test. thanks for your tolerance. -- *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

Acard 6280M howto ?

2003-04-11 Thread jens francke
hi all, i recently got my old beige G3 an Acard 6280M ATA 133 IDE controller. the card is recognized fine under os x and mac os. but my debian install wouldnt recognize the card. i compiled a new kernel with: CONFIG_BLK_DEV_AEC62XX=y CONFIG_AEC62XX_TUNING=y but the new kernel wouldnt recognize th

Re: "testing" mixed up my keymap

2003-04-14 Thread jens francke
look here : cheers On Montag, April 14, 2003, at 12:20 Uhr, Beni wrote: Heya, I upgraded from Woody to the "testing" distribution which ended up in total chaos in my keymap. I even cannot login because every key isn't where it is supposed t

Re: geforce 4ti and acard ata 133

2003-04-15 Thread jens francke
hi, for the geforce i dont know. for the acard 6280M (ata 133): standart 2.4.20 kernel source didnt do it for me. i snyced with benH´s tree and voila the acard works fine for booting;) so give it a try ;) cheers On Tuesday, April 15, 2003, at 12:48 PM, David Ulrich wrote: Hello, Does the G

Re: Acard AEC6280 / ATP-865

2003-05-26 Thread jens francke
use BenH´s ppc Kernel Tree. with it i got the 6280M working fine. On Monday, May 26, 2003, at 08:44 AM, Jeroen Roovers wrote: I've seen many questions posted on public message boards and mailing list archives about Linux support for the Acard AEC6280 PCI card / ATP-865 Ultra ATA 133 controller

Re: 2.4.21 on a G3

2003-06-17 Thread Jens Francke
hi, i am using AEC6280M in a beige G3. with 2.4.20 i needed benH´s tree to make it work. i just compiled the 2.4.21 vanilla last weekend. AEC6280M works like a charme without any patches:) give it a try On Tuesday, June 17, 2003, at 02:50 PM, Jeroen Roovers wrote: I downloaded the (final) 2