ATA hard disk not recognized

2001-10-18 Thread Erik Rauch
I just replaced the stock hard drive in my Power Mac Cube with a new Seagate Barracuda IV 40 GB hard drive. This is an Ultra ATA 100 (UDMA) drive that came out a few months ago. It works fine with Mac OS 9 and X. However, the Debian install CD (November 2000) doesn't recognize the hard drive at al

Re: ATA hard disk not recognized

2001-10-18 Thread Erik Rauch
It turns out that for this drive, you need to pass the hard drive geometry explicitly to the kernel. If you're booting from CD, restart holding Command-Option-O-F, and type boot:cd,\\yaboot to get the boot: prompt. In this case the arguments were: linux hda=16383,2,63 root=/dev/hda13