Re: potato r3 is out, includes working boot floppies (was: Re: new potato boot-floppies)

2001-04-18 Thread Eric Valette
directory driver-1.img, it request me a different floppy... Any idea? -- __ / ` Eric Valette - Canon CRF /-- __ o _. Canon Development Europe Team Leader (___, / (_(_(__ Rue de la touche lambert 35517 Cesson-Sevi

Mising Package on debian PPC

2000-06-30 Thread Eric Valette
qqq Obsolete/local Extra packages in section utils qqq *** Xtr utilskbd 0.99-8 -- __ / ` Eric Valette - Canon CRF /-- __ o

Debian 2.2 Installer kernel image for MCP750

2000-07-27 Thread Eric Valette
If someone give me an FTP access somewhere, I can upload a linux+ramdisk image enabling to install potato on motorola MCP750 via PPCBUG. kernel = 2.2.17pre9 + MCP750 specific patches... -- __ / ` Eric Valette - Canon CRF /-- __ o

Bug in powerpc version of pdksh

1998-12-09 Thread Eric Valette
config.h (yes I know it is dynamically generated but you should be able to report it in $ diff config.h~ config.h 149c149 < #define HAVE_SYS_SIGLIST 1 --- > -- __ / ` Eric Valette /-- __ o _. Can