Re: Status of PCI-PCI bridge on UMAX S900

2001-01-04 Thread Chas Williams
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,Tibor Pausz writ es: >Today I tried your patch. Well, I breaks the hole interrupt stuff. >Now, even Mesh has trouble with interrupts (kernel crash), the >console=ttyS0 doesn't work so no output from the booting ... i was wrong about the checking for the interrupts pr

Re: Status of PCI-PCI bridge on UMAX S900

2000-12-28 Thread Chas Williams
since i also have a umax/s900 i am fairly interested in getting this working. looking at the results from a dump-device-tree, i see that a board on the other side of the bridge has the following properties: /[EMAIL PROTECTED]/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ADPT,[EMAIL PROTECTED] PROPERTIES: vendor-id

Re: Status of PCI-PCI bridge on UMAX S900

2000-12-28 Thread Chas Williams
just a short followup to the message i sent to debian-powerpc, i applied the following diff and was able to move my usb board to the other side of the umax/s900 bridge w/o any ill effect: --- prom.c.000 Thu Dec 28 08:43:12 2000 +++ prom.c Thu Dec 28 09:06:16 2000 @@ -1563,8 +1563,8 @@

Re: Status of PCI-PCI bridge on UMAX S900

2000-12-29 Thread Chas Williams
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,jingai writes: >Doh! I didn't even think to check if the second get_property() call >was returning > 0.. this fixes it! Thanks bunches for spotting that! it seems like someone was confused about the meaning of the 'interrupts' property when they wrote prom.c. its