Re: Unidentified subject!

2000-01-17 Thread Alex Romosan
Renaud Dreyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > Abologies to Yann since I cc'ed 2 bugs with this, but I think it should be > > in > > the discussion of both. > > > > While this bug *is* resolved in 1999.08.29-9 for me the prerm script in > > 1999.08.29-8 (the one that actually broke on my machin

Re: PowerPC: Need help with xfig

2000-01-17 Thread Alex Romosan
Roland Rosenfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > So maybe someone of you can track down the problem (maybe compiling > with gcc272 helps?) or can check out with a debugger what exactly > causes the segfault in set_line_stuff()? > i finally got xfig to work on the powerpc. because of sloppy program

Re: Unidentified subject!

2000-01-18 Thread Alex Romosan
Geert Uytterhoeven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > i don't have a /proc/hardware either. what i did is edited > > /var/lib/dpkg/info/console-data.config and added my architecture > > by hand: > > Hence you should compile kernels with support for the proc > filesystem and make sure /proc is mounte

Re: Yosemite G3 and Debian/PPC

2000-01-18 Thread Alex Romosan
Adrianne Rutledge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Anyone have any experience with this field? I'm desperately seeking an > alternative to A) LinuxPPC... redhat, basically, B) TurboLinux... never > tried it, not really in a hurry to, or C) Compiling Slackware to run on > PowerPC, I'm not that insane

Re: perl-5.005 fails to build on powerpc

2000-01-24 Thread Alex Romosan
Matt Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Is anybody else having any luck? ndbm fails in two tests and I don't > see any talk of this problem. Full test log is in bug #55932. > i had no problems building perl 5.005.03-5.2. i can make the debs available if somebody wants them. --alex-- -- |

Re: perl-5.005 fails to build on powerpc

2000-01-24 Thread Alex Romosan
Matt Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > i had no problems building perl 5.005.03-5.2. i can make the debs > > available if somebody wants them. > > Uh oh, I'm more worried now that my fully upgraded potato box (excluding > the broken console-data) can't build 5.005.03-5.x. > > Are you a deve

Re: perl-5.005 fails to build on powerpc

2000-01-24 Thread Alex Romosan
Matt Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Hrm. Ok, but I will let Alex do the upload since he appears to have > -5.3 building from source (he did say later today). the machine is in macos mode right now. expect the upload tonight when i reboot it in linux. sorry for the delay. --alex-- -- | I

Re: perl-5.005 fails to build on powerpc

2000-01-29 Thread Alex Romosan
Matt Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Uh oh, I'm more worried now that my fully upgraded potato box (excluding > the broken console-data) can't build 5.005.03-5.x. > > Are you a developer? Can you make an NMU to master of these? > i compiled perl 5.005.03-5.3 but i don't know how to sign

compiling packages on powerpc

1998-08-09 Thread Alex Romosan
i just installed debian on a powerpc, and i am trying to get familiar with it (the 2.1 kernel, glibc 2.1, etc). i started by trying to compile some of the packages which are already part of the distribution, but i am puzzled by my lack of success. in particular i am trying to compile netbase and i

Re: compiling packages on powerpc

1998-08-10 Thread Alex Romosan
i know how to compile debian packages, i maintain a few myself. it's only that until now i dealt only with intel (and a brief aborted attempt with an alpha) machines. i realize the distribution is mostly experimental, and i am trying to help as much as i can. right now i am trying to compile the la

Re: compiling packages on powerpc

1998-08-10 Thread Alex Romosan
>to be in the /etc/inittab. With the current getty you can't login! >So change it before you reset! yes, i've rebooted the computer quite a few times. but i am using kernel version 2.1.115 (otherwise you can't login, as you noticed). --alex-- -- | I believe the moment is at hand when, by a para

Re: compiling packages on powerpc

1998-08-10 Thread Alex Romosan
>scsi didn't keep crashing). In fact, I am going to upload X to master >as soon as I clear the NMU with Branden. did you include the Xpmac server, or is there something else you are supposed to use on a ppc? --alex-- -- | I believe the moment is at hand when, by a paranoiac and active | | adv

Re: debian/slink base tarball ...

1998-08-12 Thread Alex Romosan
i started with the redhat based ppc distribution, i installed just the base set + ftp so i could get the tarball over. for this i made a partition of 100M, but it easily fits in 50, i think. installed the tarball on the other partition, installed the new kernel (2.1.115 at that time), installed the

Re: Location of root tar file?

1998-08-12 Thread Alex Romosan
it is in Incoming. there must be a list of sites that mirror Incoming somewhere. actually try: --alex-- -- | I believe the moment is at hand when, by a paranoiac and active | | advance of the mind, it will be possible (simultaneousl

Re: slink tarball on apus system ...

1998-08-18 Thread Alex Romosan
i had this problem when i was using the 2.1.24 kernel (or whatever comes with linux ppc). once i upgraded to 2.1.115 all the problems went away (well, at least the important ones). if i understand correctly, because of glibc, you need to use a kernel greater than 2.1.10? (i can't remember the last

Re: slink tarball on apus system ...

1998-08-19 Thread Alex Romosan
>it seems to work fine, but i cannot install packages with dpkg. it >reports lots of 'cannot chown to uid 0 gid 0, function not >implemented', i suppose this is more of the chown/lchown stuff. this is the same chown/lchown problem. --alex-- -- | I believe the moment is at hand when, by a parano

Re: Status of Debian on the PowerMacs?

1998-08-23 Thread Alex Romosan
>Anyway, it gets to the VFS mount stage, output stops, the drive >grinds for a little while, a couple of "route forgot to specify >netmask" messages pop up, and then it hangs. Though it works fine >with the RedHat partition. > are you still using the default redhat kernel (2.1.24 i think)? i remem

Re: Status of Debian on the PowerMacs?

1998-08-23 Thread Alex Romosan
i don't think you can compile the standard kernel on powerpc's. i got mine form --alex-- -- | I believe the moment is at hand when, by a paranoiac and active | | advance of the mind, it will be possible (simultaneously with | | automatism and

Re: Status of Debian on the PowerMacs?

1998-08-24 Thread Alex Romosan
i think you should mention that the kernel version has to be greater than 2.1.102 (not sure about the last digit) because of the chown/lchown problem. i spent enough time figuring this out. --alex-- -- | I believe the moment is at hand when, by a paranoiac and active | | advance of the mind, it

booting back into debian

1998-08-25 Thread Alex Romosan
i can't seem to be able to boot back into debian after i delete the redhat partition. this is what i did. i created three partitions, one swap 20mb, one unix partition 100mb, and another unix partition for the rest of the disk. i installed the base redhad ppc system on the 100mb partition + ftp, go

Re: booting back into debian

1998-08-25 Thread Alex Romosan
>did you make your debian partition bootable? before you removed the >redhat one, it was probably getting the bootblocks from there.. how do you make a partition bootable? can i do it now (without destroying my partitions)? --alex-- -- | I believe the moment is at hand when, by a paranoiac and

Re: List of powerpc owners

1998-08-31 Thread Alex Romosan
>this is a list of people with a powerpc system. It is always good to >have such i have a PowerComputing PowerCenter 132MHz computer on which i run debian linux (finally managed to boot back, after i deleted the old redhat mini-partition). i am also willing to help with the port (i've been compili

Re: List of powerpc owners

1998-08-31 Thread Alex Romosan
>> i have a PowerComputing PowerCenter 132MHz computer on which i run > >603 or 604 cpu? it's a 604. >You have a working glibc-2.1 system (now)? Very good! sort of. i just installed the latest egcc from Incoming, and now i can't even compile a simple c++ program. i haven't tried c yet. maybe i'

Re: List of powerpc owners

1998-08-31 Thread Alex Romosan
the new egcc seems to compile simple c programs, but it doesn't compile c++. this is what i get when i try to compile this program: #include int main(int argc, char** argv) { cout << "hello world" << endl; } /usr/lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-linux/egcs-2.91.56/ undefined reference to `ex

Re: List of powerpc owners

1998-08-31 Thread Alex Romosan
>[problems with booting into debian] you need to upgrade your kernel to a version greater than 2.1.102. try 2.1.115 from this is becoming a faq. --alex-- -- | I believe the moment is at hand when, by a paranoiac and active | | advance of the mind, it will be possible (simulta

Re: PowerPC Base Files

1998-10-18 Thread Alex Romosan
Hartmut Koptein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > These two are incompatible! MkLinux uses the old libc, debian/powerpc use the > new libc. > huh? what does this have to do with anything? you mount your debian to be partition from mklinux, untar the base file, copy the appropriate kernel/modules/fsta

Re: PowerPC Base Files

1998-10-18 Thread Alex Romosan
Hartmut Koptein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Direkt bootstrapping isn't possible (for hd). Untaring to harddisk and > starting > is not possible, because the /etc/fstab doesn't exist and also for e.p. quik > doesn't know from where it should boot. > > This is different to floppy or ramdisk, we


1998-11-20 Thread Alex Romosan
finally! after many trials and tribulations i have managed to compile a pristine kernel source (from using make-kpkg on a debian powerpc system. i had to make one small change to /usr/lib/kernel-package/rules as my system identifies itself as a "Power Macintosh" not a PowerMac. ri

kernel 2.1.132/2.2.0-pre1

1998-12-29 Thread Alex Romosan
has anybody managed to compile the above mentioned kernels on a powerpc. it used to work fine until 2.1.131, but now, when i try it with 2.1.132/2.2.0-pre1, i get the following (this is for 2.2.0-pre1): make-kpkg --subarch=pmac --rev=2.2.0-pre1-99 kernel_image test -f stamp-configure || make -f /u

Re: Single-button mouse and X keyboard: solved

1999-03-05 Thread Alex Romosan
Blackie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > I finally managed a mouse to behave well by kernel argument> > 'adb_buttons=0x67,0x6f' (keycodes of F11 for middle button and F12 > for right button emulation). It works in gpm as well as in XFBDev. > BTW, is it right that left and right Ctrl's, Options's have