Updated Debian Ports installation images 2021-09-23

2021-10-05 Thread Alex McKeever
I translated what Sante said the error message was via Google Translate: The error is this: "grub-install: error: the selected partition is not a PReP partition" I hope all is well, Adrian. Aside from trying to get X working on Linux in general (which I’ve failed to do so with my iMac G3 in both

XOrg issues with Rage 128 Ultra graphics: No screens found.

2021-10-18 Thread Alex McKeever
Essentially, my screen can be found (I have an iMac G3 in which I’ve ran Sid on)… however it can’t find any usable configurations, and manually generating an XOrg configuration (editing it to give certain options) doesn’t help. Is this an XOrg, driver, or kernel issue? I’d like to know as this

Could use an explanation why Debian after Wheezy doesn’t work on eMac G4 out of the box. Tried running Debian ports Sid, but boots to a black screen.

2019-04-21 Thread Alex McKeever
Subject says it all. Don’t have this problem with FreeBSD, but then again I wouldn’t have the packages issue that FreeBSD has with Fienix’s repository. Sent from my iPad

Debian ports Sid release file not valid yet?!

2019-05-03 Thread Alex McKeever
Why is this even happening? I’m running a slightly modified install on my eMac here because the 4 series kernel doesn’t work with it (CRT is blank). I am running the older 3.13 series kernel and am at a roadblock in installing software. I am running the 10.0 Minimal install with the aforemention

eMac G4/1.25 GHz support for Debian Sid?

2019-07-26 Thread Alex McKeever
How hard would it be to get it working on this machine? Mine was manufactured at around the same time as my PowerMac G5 2.0 DP. I don’t understand why the eMac is not supported by Ports anymore... why’d they not add support for the Radeon 9200 for KMS? The PowerMac G5 is running Fienix Lite, a s

iMac G3 support in Sid, Impossible?

2020-04-16 Thread Alex McKeever
I was told that the kernel is why it doesn’t work 100%... that it needs User Space Modesetting and thus needs an older kernel like 2.6, 3.13 or 4.4.0-187 to work properly at all with the Rage128. I’d hate to say it but I’ve lost faith in Debian/Ubuntu. I will be giving Adelie Linux a shot becaus

Re: iMac G3 support in Sid, Impossible?

2020-04-18 Thread Alex McKeever
rote: > On 2020-04-16 7:46 p.m., Alex McKeever wrote: >> I was told that the kernel is why it doesn’t work 100%... that it needs >> User Space Modesetting and thus needs an older kernel like 2.6, 3.13 or >> 4.4.0-187 to work properly at all with the Rage128. > > The r128

LXDE on iMac G3...

2020-04-18 Thread Alex McKeever
Gtk-Warning **: cannot open display. Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail for iPhone

Currently testing the latest NETINST image on my iMac G3.....

2020-04-20 Thread Alex McKeever
As the subject suggests, I’m giving the new image made yesterday a go. Currently I’m in need of help getting LXDE running like it should. According to XOrg, no screens can be found. Likewise startlxde is similarly in the same boat. Nothing I have tried has worked. Thank you.

Patched XOrg to get r128 working?

2020-04-20 Thread Alex McKeever
Tried everything to get X working (needed working for LXDE), including a new xorg.conf with modelines. NO SUCCESS AT ALL. Another developer (who works on VoidPPC) said r128 needs patched to even work…. I don’t even know what he did to get it working over there.

Re: Patched XOrg to get r128 working?

2020-04-20 Thread Alex McKeever
What’ll have to be done now? Very curious to the outcome. > On Apr 20, 2020, at 4:48 PM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz > wrote: > > On 4/20/20 10:44 PM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote: >> On 4/20/20 10:39 PM, Ed Robbins wrote: >>> What rage 128 patches are you alluding to? >> >> This might be rele

Thank you for supporting our old Macs

2020-04-20 Thread Alex McKeever
I know I’ve been a bit of an annoyance, but I would like to thank all of you responsible for keeping our old PowerPC machines running well after Debian and Ubuntu dropped support for them. Rock on! Sent from my iPad

Mach64 driver?

2020-04-20 Thread Alex McKeever
A fellow YouTuber by the name of Action Retro has an older iMac than I do that could benefit from the Mach64 driver... has that been dropped too? Would it be too much to ask to bring that back too? I know he’d appreciate it as he tried Adelie Linux and couldn’t get it fully working either. Than


2020-04-21 Thread Alex McKeever
Looks like the r128 driver isn’t necessary on its own as it’s provided by this package digging a little deeper. I also have xserver-XOrg-legacy installed which isn’t promising. Would the standalone r128 driver even help in this scenario? Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail for iPhone

Re: Xserver-xorg-video-ATI?

2020-04-21 Thread Alex McKeever
Just to reply to my own message, looks like the aforementioned package is a wrapper for the old Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail for iPhone On Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 8:32 AM, Alex McKeever wrote: Looks like the r128 driver isn’t necessary on its own as it’s provided by this package diggi

iMac G3 XOrg segfault r128 driver

2020-04-21 Thread Alex McKeever
Adrian, I have the driver installed but I’m getting a segmentation fault. xorg.0.log Description: Binary data Attached is my Xorg.0.log file - Alex

Update on Rage 128 support?

2021-04-15 Thread Alex McKeever
It’s been a long time since I last heard anything on this. I’d like to run Linux on my G3 iMac in some form (after some experimentation with the few leopard betas that can be hacked to run on here), and Ubuntu 16.04 is not a good option today. I tried Adelie and Void-ppc, but those are more invo

Re: Update on Rage 128 support?

2021-04-15 Thread Alex McKeever
15, 2021, at 11:09 AM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz > wrote: > >  > >> On Apr 15, 2021, at 4:57 PM, Alex McKeever >> wrote: >> >> It’s been a long time since I last heard anything on this. I’d like to run >> Linux on my G3 iMac in some form (after

Re: Update Debian Ports installation images 2021-04-14

2021-04-15 Thread Alex McKeever
Looks like I’ll have to try this again! As the r128 video package is now in the repository, I might be able to finally get it running. Sent from my iPad > On Apr 14, 2021, at 4:44 PM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz > wrote: > > Hi! > > Here are the first test images where the installation of GRU

Re: Update on Rage 128 support?

2021-04-15 Thread Alex McKeever
I tried to fetch it, but APT or APT-get wasn’t having it. Checked /etc/resolv.conf and I know my sources.list is fine what the hell is going on? Sent from my iPad > On Apr 15, 2021, at 12:03 PM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz > wrote: > >  > >> On Apr 15, 2021, at 5

APT and APT-Get unable to fetch packages.

2021-04-15 Thread Alex McKeever
Just recently installed the latest image on my iMac G3, and was hit with issues getting packages. I successfully installed the system with LXDE, and was looking to fix the blinking cursor in the top right by installing the r128 driver along with XOrg. The install image was able to fetch packages

Re: APT and APT-Get unable to fetch packages.

2021-04-15 Thread Alex McKeever
based) as I don’t have any Ethernet jacks wired up (thanks AT&T for unhooking them for “stability reasons”... not!) Sent from my iPad > On Apr 15, 2021, at 5:35 PM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz > wrote: > > On 4/15/21 11:05 PM, Alex McKeever wrote: >> The install image was

Re: APT and APT-Get unable to fetch packages.

2021-04-15 Thread Alex McKeever
I already have that set, and I even added too but still the same result. Sent from my iPad > On Apr 15, 2021, at 6:18 PM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz > wrote: > > On 4/15/21 11:59 PM, Alex McKeever wrote: >> Pinging Deb.Debian.org results in “temporary failure

Re: APT and APT-Get unable to fetch packages.

2021-04-15 Thread Alex McKeever
My connection to the internet is fine, just doesn’t seem like it on my G3 after the install. I’ll have to check ifconfig here in a bit... Sent from my iPad > On Apr 15, 2021, at 6:18 PM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz > wrote: > > On 4/15/21 11:59 PM, Alex McKeever wrote

Re: APT and APT-Get unable to fetch packages.

2021-04-16 Thread Alex McKeever
I use a Realtek wireless dongle with the iMac... an 8192CU based Edimax dongle to be precise. It worked during the package portion of the install but not now. Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail for iPhone On Friday, April 16, 2021, 1:58 AM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote: On 4/16/21 12:50 AM,

GRUB installation fails on latest ISO

2021-09-18 Thread Alex McKeever
I just tried installing the latest version of Debian Ports on my iMac G3 and well it fails to install GRUB. Falling back to April’s installation media (which I have on hand) that doesn’t have this problem that has seemingly cropped up again with the latest batch of images. Tried a workaround th

Linux firmware package?

2021-09-18 Thread Alex McKeever
I went to install Xserver-xorg-video-r128 and it recommended that I install the Linux firmware package, which doesn’t exist in the ports repository. Any idea where I should look to get said package? It’s been a while since I last installed Debian ports. Sent from my iPad