22" apple flatpanel

2003-08-12 Thread Adam H. Done
I just acquired a 22" apple cinema flat panel and can not get x to work on it.. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks in advanced.

Re: 22" apple flatpanel

2003-08-13 Thread Adam H. Done
On Tue, 2003-08-12 at 23:19, Yves Combe wrote: What you need exactly? The Modelines for XF86Config-4? I pluged the flat panel and the only way i can boot into linux with it is to append video=ofonly in the boot process and then the ttys work but when ever I try to start X - it gives me erro

Re: 22" apple flatpanel

2003-08-13 Thread Adam H. Done
On Wed, 2003-08-13 at 00:10, P Oscar Boykin wrote: I have one of these monitors. It works great. What graphics card do you use? What type of machine? What kernel? What XFree86? Oscar. XFree86 = 4.2.1-9 Kernel = 2.4.21-ben2 with my custom config grahics card = rage 128 standard with th

Re: 22" apple flatpanel

2003-08-13 Thread Adam H. Done
On Wed, 2003-08-13 at 14:45, P Oscar Boykin wrote: On Wed, Aug 13, 2003 at 09:32:50AM -0700, Adam H. Done wrote: > On Tue, 2003-08-12 at 23:19, Yves Combe wrote: > > > > What you need exactly? The Modelines for XF86Config-4? > > > > I pluged the flat panel and t

Re: 22" apple flatpanel

2003-08-13 Thread Adam H. Done
On Wed, 2003-08-13 at 14:45, P Oscar Boykin wrote: If you can't see a tty, then you can't use X (from what I have seen). So the first problem is make sure you can see the tty. It may work using the video line suggested in the SUSE page above. Ok.. I  got it to boot into linux just fine an

Re: 22" apple flatpanel

2003-08-13 Thread Adam H. Done
On Wed, 2003-08-13 at 18:02, Albert Cahalan wrote: image=/boot/vmlinux-2.5.62 label=2562 read-only append="video=aty128fb:vmode:22" This works great. You'll need the aty128fb driver in the kernel for that to work. check. > I have the modelines in my XF86Config-

Re: 22" apple flatpanel

2003-08-16 Thread Adam H. Done
Sorry I was away for 2 days.  I got X to run on the 22" Apple Flatpanel but I can only use the fbdev driver and I cant use my old driver r128 or even ati at all.. When I do, the screen freezes in that tty and I have to move to another tty.  To get it to run properly I ran dpkg-reconfigure x

Ben's 2.4.21-benx curent kernel version

2003-08-21 Thread Adam H. Done
A quick question.  Is Ben's current 2.4.21 kernel version 2 or 3?  I did the rsysnc but I don't know if it has changed from 2. I am using 2.4.21-ben2 very nicely for the time being.

Evolution Not seeing cyrus subscribed directories

2005-05-10 Thread Adam H Done
Platform: PPC Debian Sarge I have been using a cyrus imap mail server for our business for quite some time now. There are some imap directories on the server which are shared amongst the users but can not get access (reading, posting, or writing) to using evolution for sarge. Access perm