Re: mount hfs+ partition

2006-11-01 Thread Ruben
At Tue, 31 Oct 2006 21:55:19 -0800 (PST), brian wrote: > > honest to god, i have only been able to mount hfsplus partition with > mount -t ufs ufstype=openstep I just want to confirm that one can mount hfsplus partitions used by MacOSX on linux in read-write mode. However, you should make sure

tibook tv-out

2006-11-01 Thread chris kummerer
hi, after reading this I was wondering if this patch is already merged into 7.1.0 and if this is by now usable on ppc ? if anyone got this to work by now any pointers to an xorg.conf for tibookIV (radeon 9000 / R250) would be highly app

Re: Problems with Dial-up on Old World Mac

2006-11-01 Thread Jeffrey Rolland
On Nov 1, 2006, at 1:59 AM, Brad Boyer wrote: I can't imagine that would be a problem, but I was just trying to think of anything that might explain it. I think your issue is a little beyond my knowledge of netatalk. Sorry I couldn't help. Thanks for the help you did provide. Anyone else

Re: mount hfs+ partition

2006-11-01 Thread Brad Boyer
On Wed, Nov 01, 2006 at 12:34:38PM +0100, Ruben wrote: > At Tue, 31 Oct 2006 21:55:19 -0800 (PST), brian wrote: > > honest to god, i have only been able to mount hfsplus partition with > > mount -t ufs ufstype=openstep This is what you would use to mount a UFS partition as created by osx. It defin

Re: internet from lan

2006-11-01 Thread brian
this should not be, running 2.4 kernel as default with release debian 3.1, it should be running 2.6.8-3. that works fine with wall streets. as far as the current netiso, testing, maybe not. needs perhaps the 2.6.18 kernel which is still in unstable. imho, better to get sarge right, first, then

Installing onto oldworld powercenter

2006-11-01 Thread mrbrown8
Greetings everyone. I have inherited five of these PowerComputing PowerCenter 132 machines. I would like to try to put Linux of some sort on them and make them useful. I know I can't boot a CD on them. I have tried many of the floppy images from

Re: mount hfs+ partition

2006-11-01 Thread Børge Holen
I've used hfsplus on daily basis. On Wednesday 01 November 2006 12:34, Ruben wrote: > At Tue, 31 Oct 2006 21:55:19 -0800 (PST), brian wrote: > > honest to god, i have only been able to mount hfsplus partition with > > mount -t ufs ufstype=openstep > > I just want to confirm that one can mount hfsp

sarge ppc eth0 config problem and old world install

2006-11-01 Thread kansaibear
Thank you brian. I downloaded several different versions and distros. Never could get sarge out of command line, but in all honesty I never redownloaded/reinstalled either. Helped me learn a LOT of valuable command line basics though : ) Now I have my old wallstreet quad booted with yellowdog