Fwd: beige g3 etch install - working (slight edit)

2007-11-28 Thread Nicholas Helps
* Dr. N.R. Helps Medical Research Council Protein Phosphorylation Unit College of Life Sciences MSI/WTB/JBC Complex University of Dundee Dundee DD1 5EH Scotland t: 44 (0)1382 384745 (office) t: 44 (0)1382 388019 (lab) f: 44 (0)1382 388729 e

beige g3 etch install - working

2007-11-28 Thread Nicholas Helps
Continuation bottom posted... * Dr. N.R. Helps Medical Research Council Protein Phosphorylation Unit College of Life Sciences MSI/WTB/JBC Complex University of Dundee Dundee DD1 5EH Scotland t: 44 (0)1382 384745 (office) t: 44 (0)1382 388019