pppd under 2.6 Input/output error

2004-01-21 Thread nmp|||
hi list, i cannot get pppd working on a tibook rev.A under kernel 2.6, im always getting : cant get terminal parameters: Input/output error im using the latest drivers for pppd, and as far as i see in the logs is not cuase because the modem is not detected but because something else avoids th

Regarding GTKPBBUTTONSD and list participation

2003-12-03 Thread nmp|||
s an manage almost all through the window menus. ok, gracias, again nmp ::12/3/03 6:37 PM +0100 Wolfgang Pfeiffer escribio ::--> Hi Barry, We're not all the same here. There are different people on this list, like everywhere: Some are strange guys that I simply ignore, many others