garbled display with dual-headed ibook 2.2

2004-08-21 Thread Johannes Muelmenstaedt
Hi! I'm trying to use my ibook 2.2 dual-headed. The dri-trunk X server starts both screens fine (with Xinerama), but when I switch to virtual consoles or send the machine to sleep the display becomes garbled. (It looks like some columns in the display get swapped.) Is this a known problem? Is

Re: airport on tibook: surfing vs. ssh/scp

2003-02-21 Thread Johannes Muelmenstaedt
> "Michel" == Michel Lanners <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Michel> I'm still waiting for an opportunity to put my card Michel> in an OS X computer, since Apple has newer firmware Michel> than 8.40, but only bundled with the OS X Airport Michel> software. When I gave my ibook an

Re: Building kernel

2003-02-15 Thread Johannes Muelmenstaedt
> "Mij" == Mij <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Mij> that page is very badly written, not took down just Mij> because it's inexplicably linked thousand times over the Mij> web. I disagree with you. Without your page it would have taken me *much* longer to get my ibook working. I vo