Hydroghen + jackd in ubuntu system freeze

2006-08-22 Thread Daniel Payno
jackd in macosx and i'm able of fc=98kHz.. -- Daniel Paynoa.k.a http://dpayno.webhop.net http://pqs.is.dreaming.org -^: 0x098ff gcc: 0x0ff00 > 0xf !! > ? pgpgk7R87OwzA.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Regression in sleep code for PowerBook5,2

2006-08-21 Thread Daniel Payno
ricted Packages And i've experienced similar problems. Though, I noticed that the way to resolve was close the lid, let it go into ramsuspend, and open the lid again so that it wakes normally Just saying if it helps to track anything down -- Daniel Payno

Re: hi and first and hopefully last question

2006-02-11 Thread Daniel Payno
But you may disagree with me; so use the config that is included in the package to build your own kernel. Well, there'll be time to compile a custom one, past installation.. Znx, i'm actually doing backup to reinstall MaxOsX for applying repartitioning logic, and then i'll try this

hi and first and hopefully last question

2006-02-09 Thread Daniel Payno
vanilla install. Also, i would like a pointer to a place to find an image not only bootable but with some app similar to qparted so that i can make space without erasing and recreating the MacOsX slices urls welcome! Znx all, -- Daniel Payno [EMAIL PROTECTED]