Bug#770440: debian-policy: policy should mention systemd timers

2017-01-01 Thread Alexandre Detiste
now apt-daily.timer that is shipped with apt and got accepted with much less complaints; I'll have a look a this one when I'll refresh my wording. > Could you formulate this as a patch against the debian-policy package? Ok, will do. Alexandre Detiste

Bug#515856: [debhelper-devel] Bug#515856: debhelper: please implement dh get-orig-source

2017-12-30 Thread Alexandre Detiste
Hi, Here's an example of some ugly get-orig-source: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-games/steamcmd.git/tree/debian/rules Mea Culpa :-) The software's version is some timestamp of a file inside a tarball: bad; I don't really want this scheme supported in uscan; better left it here only. Gr

Bug#770440: debian-policy: policy should mention systemd timers

2014-11-21 Thread Alexandre Detiste
com/ajtowns/debian-init-policy/pull/6/files Alexandre Detiste -- System Information: Distributor ID: Raspbian (--> this is not at all Raspbian specific) Description:Raspbian GNU/Linux testing (jessie) Release:testing Codename: jessie Architecture: armv6l Kernel: Linux 3.12.28+

Re: new virtual package wolf3d-data

2015-03-02 Thread Alexandre Detiste
>> Jonathan Dowland > There's no problem coordinating > virtual packages names if they are all generated by the same source package, > game-data-packager; furthermore since the packages concerned are not actually > in Debian, it doesn't seem necessary to document them in Debian policy, IMHO. Well,

Bug#704233: Policy for local packages.

2015-09-09 Thread Alexandre Detiste
all.deb generated by game-data-packager for local consumption etc... Tools like dput would barf at those; aptitude would show a big fat disclaimer that this is not supported by the project etc... Alexandre Detiste Alexandre Detiste 2.2.4 The local archive ar

Bug#567033: Clarify status of /usr/games

2015-10-23 Thread Alexandre Detiste
Hi, I'd quite _like_ to keep /usr/games separete because it makes it easy to implement a "you're grounded" scheme along things like 'iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -m owner --uid-owner {CHILD_USERNAME} -j REJECT' could be use to block web access. ~ I would insist a bit more for /usr/share/games : wh

Bug#567033: Decide if we should continue recommending /usr/games

2023-09-11 Thread Alexandre Detiste
Hi, The bespoken machine of 2015 with 64GB of SSD has been repurposed as a Buster (the "new" os at work) backporter box, but I'm still here. I agree that the games in Debian - especially the free ones - don't evolve that much, don't grow so much, but on the "contrib engine + non-free assets" side

Bug#945269: debian-policy: packages should use tmpfiles.d(5) to create directories below /var

2023-09-16 Thread Alexandre Detiste
Le dim. 17 sept. 2023 à 01:15, Russ Allbery a écrit : > Luca Boccassi writes: > > One would need to duplicate empty directories in /var (that don't have > dynamic ownership). I'm dubious that's a significant burden (it's two or > three lines in debian/rules), but if it is, > one coul

Bug#945269: debian-policy: packages should use tmpfiles.d(5) to create directories below /var

2023-09-17 Thread Alexandre Detiste
So there are 3 distinct interlinked goals: - tmpfiles.d itself - recovering from missing /var (+ later /etc) - volatile file tracking Just finishing the first step without going to far in either other tracks would be so great already. Le dim. 17 sept. 2023 à 19:57, Russ Allbery a écrit : >

Bug#945269: debian-policy: packages should use tmpfiles.d(5) to create directories below /var

2023-09-18 Thread Alexandre Detiste
Le dim. 17 sept. 2023 à 21:26, Russ Allbery a écrit : > Based on previous discussion with Guillem, I think the direction Guillem > is headed is something like adding a new member (or field in another > member) to the deb format that holds a list of volatile files that the > package considers itsel