Bug#99324: ++SPAM++ Re: Hello!

2007-07-31 Thread Lucy Nolan
Nas server bohuzel oznacil Vas mail jako spam. Pokud chcete, aby byl Vas mail dorucen, napiste do predmetu mailu (subject) radku TOTO NENI SPAM presne tak, jak je napsana vyse - nejlepe okopirovat a poslete nam ho znovu. Vas mail bude pote dorucen. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [

Bug#99324: Autosvar - Ikke til stede: xxSPAMxx Hello

2007-07-06 Thread Lars Bloch
Jeg holder ferie og er tilbage mandag d. 30 juli. Din mail videresendes ikke.

Bug#99324: Autosvar - Ikke til stede: xxSPAMxx Hello

2007-07-06 Thread Jan Peter Nielsen
Tak for din mail - jeg er ikke på kontoret før mandag den 30.ds - og ser ikke din mail inden. Prøv evt. at ringe mit mobilnr. Venlig hilsen Jan Nielsen

Bug#99324: Abwesenheitsnotiz: [***SPAM*** Score/Req: 19.1/5.0] Hello

2007-07-06 Thread Skorczyk, Martina
Ich bin derzeit nicht erreichbar. Bitte wenden Sie sich an Frau Goronzi, Tel. 05341/839-3523 oder an Willi Hilken Tel. 05341/839-3242. Ihre Mail wird nicht weitergeleitet.

Bug#99324: Re: Hello!

2007-07-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thank you for contacting 60MinuteTrader.com For your convenience we have now installed a knowledge base so that you can access the information you require instantly. You can access the knowledgebase via the link below. You can also search the entire knowledgebase by entering keywords in the

Bug#99324: Frånvaro, autosvar: Hello!

2007-07-06 Thread Mjönes Eva
Har semester är åter i mitten på augusti. Eva Mjönes

Bug#99324: Frånvaro, autosvar: Hello!

2007-07-06 Thread Åkerström Bengt
Hej! Ärpå semeter, åter den 6 augusti. Kan nås på 070-245 97 00 Hälsningar Bengt Åkerström

Bug#99324: [#DHX-856266]: Re: Hello!

2007-07-06 Thread Billing
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Your Ticket has been received and a member of our staff will review it and reply accordingly. Listed below are details of this Ticket. Please make sure the Ticket ID remains in the subject at all times. Ticket ID: DHX-856266 Subject: Re: Hello

Bug#99324: Hello!

2007-06-29 Thread
Gracias por su mensaje. Le responderemos a la brevedad. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug#99324: Hello {22649}

2007-06-27 Thread GenesisFour Customer Service
Thank you for your inquiry. Your request has been received and is being reviewed by our support staff. Please note the information below as it will allow you to track the progress of your request online. Check your request o

Re: Hello

2005-02-11 Thread Newsfeeds.com Abuse Department
At 12:54 AM 2/11/2005, you wrote: Important informations! This message is to inform you that your abuse report has been received by the Newsfeeds.com abuse department.   We will begin investigating your report shortly and will take whatever steps are necessary, as consistent with our acceptable


2001-09-08 Thread Brian Elias
Dear Neighbor: I'm having a tax problem and I want you to be the beneficiary instead of the IRS... My business has had a phenomenal year so far in 2001. In fact, we've done so well I'm probably going to pay 2½ times more corporate taxes than I did last year. And if we make any

Package without build-deps (was: Installed hello 1.3-16)

1999-12-04 Thread Edward Betts
Adam Heath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Format: 1.6 > Date: Sat, 4 Dec 1999 04:12:28 -0600 > Source: hello > Binary: hello > Architecture: source i386 > Version: 1.3-16 > Distribution: unstable > Urgency: low > Maintainer: Adam Heath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >