Improving documentation on conffiles in Debian Policy and Debian New Maintainers' Guide

2016-12-17 Thread Dieter Adriaenssens
Hi all, In section E.1 of Debian Policy[0], conffiles[1] are mentioned as a list of configuration files that are checked for changes by 'dpkg' during an upgrade. However, not only files in the conffiles file are checked, but automatically also every file in the /etc directory, as mentioned in the

Bug#835520: [PATCH v2 10/11] Add reference to systemd integration examples

2016-12-17 Thread Andreas Henriksson
In addition to the sysvinit skeleton file also point out where to find systemd integration examples. --- policy.sgml | 2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) diff --git a/policy.sgml b/policy.sgml index 707b716..871011f 100644 --- a/policy.sgml +++ b/policy.sgml @@ -7786,6 +7786,8 @@ test -f progr

Bug#835520: [PATCH v2 09/11] Drop obsolete paragraph about rc.boot

2016-12-17 Thread Andreas Henriksson
No idea how long ago this paragraph had any relevance --- policy.sgml | 13 - 1 file changed, 13 deletions(-) diff --git a/policy.sgml b/policy.sgml index 2589fe5..707b716 100644 --- a/policy.sgml +++ b/policy.sgml @@ -7780,19 +7780,6 @@ test -f program-executed-later-in-script ||

Bug#835520: [PATCH v2 07/11] Drop legacy code from invoke-rc.d example

2016-12-17 Thread Andreas Henriksson
For several releases the *-rc.d policy tools have always been available on the system. At points we've had bugs that created corner-cases which make the *-rc.d tools go missing during an upgrade phase, but that should not be worked around in each and every package. Thus remove the check if invoke-r

Bug#835520: [PATCH v2 04/11] Drop outdated paragraph about sequence numbers

2016-12-17 Thread Andreas Henriksson
Todays init systems calculates a dependency graph (eg. from the dependencies specified in LSB headers) and doesn't go by sequence numbers. See eg. insserv. --- policy.sgml | 9 - 1 file changed, 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/policy.sgml b/policy.sgml index 32e1efc..d1108be 100644 --- a/poli

Bug#835520: [PATCH v2 06/11] Add "or equivalent" to must use invoke-rc.d paragraph

2016-12-17 Thread Andreas Henriksson
The intention is to also make sure that eg. it's equally not allowed to directly call 'systemctl ' but maybe the wording can be improved further to more clearly express this. In other words the language is still a bit outdated in this paragraph. --- policy.sgml | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 inserti

Bug#835520: [PATCH v2 05/11] Add note about update-rc.d normally used via dh

2016-12-17 Thread Andreas Henriksson
It might not be the policy's place to define how the maintainer should automate the packaging work, but at least mention debhelper to not fool people into thinking manually writing maintainer scripts is the preferred method of using update-rc.d. --- policy.sgml | 8 1 file changed, 8 inse

Bug#835520: [PATCH v2 11/11] Drop entire section 9.4 Console messages from init.d scripts

2016-12-17 Thread Andreas Henriksson
The entire section is specific to sysvinit and already solved by LSB in that case. There's no point in reinventing LSB. Also other init systems handles this in ways that's not at all described here. Just drop the entire section as it gives no practical useful information. --- policy.sgml | 196 ---

Bug#835520: [PATCH v2 03/11] Drop obsolete paragraph about static runlevels and update-rc.d

2016-12-17 Thread Andreas Henriksson
These days the information in the LSB header is used. Manually specifying/overriding runlevels as a parameter to update-rc.d on command line is even deprecated and a noop stub these days. --- policy.sgml | 13 - 1 file changed, 13 deletions(-) diff --git a/policy.sgml b/policy.sgml i

Bug#835520: [PATCH v2 08/11] Add note about invoke-rc.d normally used via dh

2016-12-17 Thread Andreas Henriksson
It might not be the policys place to define how the maintainer should automate the packaging work, but atleast mention debhelper to not fool people into thinking manually writing maintainer scripts is the preferred method of using invoke-rc.d. (This is similar to previous commit about update-rc.d

Bug#835520: [PATCH v2 02/11] Update init-system title to be more agnostic

2016-12-17 Thread Andreas Henriksson
Get rid of "script" as that doesn't properly describe the equivalent for systems using declarative replacements. Also drop "the" as via update-rc.d you're potentially/likely interfacing with multiple ones at a time. Possibly the word system should be replaced with systems or system(s)? --- policy

Bug#835520: [PATCH v2 01/11] Drop outdated "/run needs initscripts dependency"

2016-12-17 Thread Andreas Henriksson
The paragraph ends with "...until the stable release of Debian supports /run." which current releases does, so this paragraph is obsolete. --- policy.sgml | 6 -- 1 file changed, 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/policy.sgml b/policy.sgml index 9cd182b..81df4a3 100644 --- a/policy.sgml +++ b/policy

Bug#835520: [PATCH 00/11] Trim obsolete/harmful info about init integration

2016-12-17 Thread Andreas Henriksson
Hello everyone, Thanks for all feedback and reviews. Extra thanks to Martins very in-depth review. Even going over the commit messages (and not just the actual policy changes)! :) I've updated my patchset and will post a v2 soon, incorporating all of Martins (and others) suggestion except the be