Bug#127809: reassigning

2002-01-05 Thread Matthew Wilcox
i'm reopening & reassigning this bug to Policy since if Policy and the tools disagree, one of them has to be fixed. If I'd uploaded a package using Enhances, it would be buggy. And having a packaging bug introduced by following Policy to the letter is not acceptable to me. -- Revolutions do no

Processed: reassign

2002-01-05 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]: > reopen 127809 Bug#127809: dpkg-source doesn't know about Enhances Bug reopened, originator not changed. > reassign 127809 debian-policy Bug#127809: dpkg-source doesn't know about Enhances Bug reassigned from package `dpkg-dev' to `debian-policy'. > se

[판촉물,카렌다] debian-policy님 안녕하십니까?

2002-01-05 Thread 기프트나라
Title: 제목없음 안녕하세요.기프트나라입니다 허락없이 글을 올리게 되어 죄송 합니다. 제품 제조사와의 직거래 유통을 통하여 저렴한 단가로 다양한 제품을 판매하고자 하오니 기타 궁금하신 점을 문의하여 주시면 최선을 다하여 답해드리겠습니다. 용도: 선물용품/기념품/판촉용품/개업용품/행사용품/ 광고용품/생활용품/가정용품/사무용품/***카렌다*** 위생용품/차량용품등 전화:055-277-9919 팩스:055-277-9916 H.P:011-597-9514 http://ww