Bug#923017: vlc-plugin-video-output: crash when pressing space while playing menu of VIDEO_TS folder copied to hard disk

2019-02-22 Thread Bernhard Übelacker
Package: vlc-plugin-video-output Version: 3.0.6-1 Severity: normal Tags: upstream upstream-fixed patch Dear Maintainer, I received a "SIGFPE, Arithmetic exception." while the menu of a to hard disk copied VIDEO_TS folder was playing and then pressing space. For some reason I did not get that exc

Bug#922950: kodi: please don’t use hinted Roboto fonts

2019-02-22 Thread Andrej Shadura
Package: kodi Severity: normal -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA256 Dear Maintainer, The Roboto upstream no longer provides hinted fonts, so fonts-roboto-hinted is now a transitional package providing symlinks to the unhinted fonts. Please modify your package to use the unhinted fonts