Re: Suggestion: Time limit for NM process

2006-04-03 Thread Harald Dunkel
Benjamin Seidenberg wrote: > The problems is that we're not rejecting 50% of our applicants, but > they're still in the queue. We have more and more applicants joining the > queue, but few becoming developers, and *the rest creating a backlog*. > They're still in the application process, not being

Re: [gmail] Re: Suggestion: Time limit for NM process

2006-04-04 Thread Harald Dunkel
Marc Leeman wrote: > > As long as my sponsors don't mind uploading the packages and I can use > aloith to cooperate with others, I don't feel the need anymore to > continue and try again for full DD; though I'm sure I would have > contributed more (a number of packages never found a sponsor, so I

bug got stuck in "Fixed and Pending"? How comes?

2006-07-01 Thread Harald Dunkel
Hi folks, shows that bug #346938 is set to "Fixed and Pending" :-{. This bug was fixed more that 6 months ago, so what is the BTS waiting for? Regards Harri signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: bug got stuck in "Fixed and Pending"? How comes?

2006-07-01 Thread Harald Dunkel
> The upload that fixed the bug, 20041028-9, contained these fields: > | Maintainer: Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > | Changed-By: Harald Dunkel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > and thus, this is considered an NMU (the one uploading != the maintainer). > Blockade is o

Re: bug got stuck in "Fixed and Pending"? How comes?

2006-07-01 Thread Harald Dunkel
Hi Mike. Mike Hommey wrote: > On Sat, Jul 01, 2006 at 01:58:12PM +0200, Harald Dunkel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote: >> Hi Thijs, >> >> Thijs Kinkhorst wrote: >>> Hello Harald, >>> >>>>

changelog of debian policy?

2006-07-01 Thread Harald Dunkel
Hi folks, Is there a changelog of the Debian policy online? Actually I would have expected a pointer on, but maybe I am too blind to see. Thanx in advance Harri signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Moving "blockade" from non-free to main?

2006-08-13 Thread Harald Dunkel
Hi folks, I am pretty optimistic to clarify the license conditions for blockade (, making it possible to move it to from non-free to main (hopefully). Currently the game is public domain, except for the game scenes. Is there some specialist for this l

looking for sponsor for a non-free package

2009-07-11 Thread Harald Dunkel
Hi folks, To fix a FTBFS I would like to upload a new version of my game package "blockade". I am not a Debian Developer, so I am looking for a sponsor. The sources are public domain except for the game scenes, so it has to go to non-free. Is this a problem? Regards Harri signature.asc Desc

Re: looking for sponsor for a non-free package

2009-07-11 Thread Harald Dunkel
Hi Bart, Bart Martens wrote: > > Where is the Debian package ? > The upstream sources of "blockade" are already in the official repository. Maybe I can mail the new diff and *.deb files to you (130 KB )? What would you suggest? I have a question, anyway: The game is supposed to build and work

Re: looking for sponsor for a non-free package

2009-07-11 Thread Harald Dunkel
Hi Leo, Leopold Palomo Avellaneda wrote: > A Dissabte 11 Juliol 2009, Harald Dunkel va escriure: >> >> The sources are public domain except for the game scenes, so it >> has to go to non-free. > > Then has to go to contrib. Or better, two packages, one in main (the f

Re: looking for sponsor for a non-free package

2009-07-11 Thread Harald Dunkel
Hi Stephane. Stéphane Glondu wrote: > > See: > > > A very helpful link. Many thanx Harri signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: looking for sponsor for a non-free package

2009-07-11 Thread Harald Dunkel
Hi all, Leopold Palomo Avellaneda wrote: > Hi Harald, > > so, I suppose that could be difficult to separate is as library with dynamic > linking, etc > I think the real problem is mixing free and non-free sources in the same *.orig.tar.gz. What would be your recommendation to handle this

Re: looking for sponsor for a non-free package

2009-07-12 Thread Harald Dunkel
Paul Wise wrote: > > Get upstream to replace the non-free bits with free bits. Upstream doesn't support this package anymore. > Some free > game resources are listed here: > > > The non-free part is not a wallpaper or some background music, but

Re: looking for sponsor for a non-free package

2009-07-12 Thread Harald Dunkel
Paul Wise wrote: > > All too common unfortunately. In that case, I suggest a fork (since > you can't hijack it). At least FreeBSD also includes blockade too BTW. > I found this version, too, even though I did not know that it is shipped with FreeBSD. It is surely a different version. Especially

Re: looking for sponsor for a non-free package

2009-07-12 Thread Harald Dunkel
Neil Williams wrote: > > A dead upstream effectively requires that the Debian maintainer (you) > become the upstream - are you ready to take on that task? > Lets say I am not completely unprepared, at least from the software engineering side ;-). But I am not sure about the options I have to rel

NMU for libkarma (Rio Karma tools)?

2009-10-09 Thread Harald Dunkel
Hi folks, To fix several bugs I would like to do an NMU for libkarma. Two weeks ago I sent an EMail to the package maintainer asking for his permission, but there was no response. Two problems: - I would need a sponsor to review and upload the new package. - The NMU includes a new version from

Re: NMU for libkarma (Rio Karma tools)?

2009-10-11 Thread Harald Dunkel
On 10/10/09 08:02, Charles Plessy wrote: Hello Harald, unless you are ready to take responsability for any breakage introduced by the version change in this library, which basically means to hijack the package, I strongly recommend against including the upstream update in the bug correction tha

Re: NMU for libkarma (Rio Karma tools)?

2009-10-14 Thread Harald Dunkel
On 10/12/09 07:02, Charles Plessy wrote: Fixing bugs is very welcome, especially RC ones. Actually, you can save time to fix more RC bugs by not fixing the less important ones in the packages that you try to rescue :) I still recommend to not include a new upstream release in the NMU you are pro

Conflicts vs Replaces vs Provides

2010-12-05 Thread Harald Dunkel
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hi folks, I found this in debian/control for libgl1-mesa-glx: : Conflicts: libgl1, libgl1-mesa-dri (<< 6.4.0) Replaces: libgl1, libgl1-mesa-dri (<< 6.4.0) Provides: libgl1 : This looks weird to me. How can it

Re: Conflicts vs Replaces vs Provides

2010-12-05 Thread Harald Dunkel
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On 12/05/10 13:37, Sven Joachim wrote: > Am 05.12.2010 um 12:05 schrieb Harald Dunkel: > >> Doesn't this mean that no other >> packages providing libgl1 can be installed, > > Not along libgl1-mesa-glx, yes. It&#x

new version of blockade on mentors

2011-02-09 Thread Harald Dunkel
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hi folks, I have updated blockade and put it on mentors. Do you think it would be possible to forward it to the official repository? Of course it is lintian-clean, but it would be very nice if someone could take a look. Many thanx Harri -BEGIN

somebody please upload a new version of my package?

2011-02-11 Thread Harald Dunkel
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hi folks, It would be very nice if somebody could volunteer to verify and upload a new version of my package "blockade" into unstable (non-free). I just brought it up-to-date wrt Debian policy and debhelper and lintian. There were no bugs to fix. R

RFS: blockade upgrade

2011-02-11 Thread Harald Dunkel
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hi folks, Sorry, I missed the "RFS:" in my previous EMail. I am looking for a sponsor for blockade. Its a sokoban-like XWindow game. The game itself is public domain, but most of the the levels included are not. blockade is already in the official n

Re: RFS: blockade upgrade

2011-02-12 Thread Harald Dunkel
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On 02/12/11 04:12, Paul Wise wrote: > On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 6:38 AM, Harald Dunkel wrote: > >> I am looking for a sponsor for blockade. Its a sokoban-like >> XWindow game. The game itself is public domain, but most of >>

Re: RFS: blockade upgrade

2011-02-16 Thread Harald Dunkel
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hi Paul, On 02/12/11 12:06, Paul Wise wrote: > > This is a topic I would like to bring up at the upcoming Debian games > team meeting in March: > > > I wouldn't like to postpone an u

${xviddriver:Provides} broken?

2011-02-22 Thread Harald Dunkel
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hi folks, I am running my own NVidia graphics package. Problem: After the most recent upgrade of xorg the "${xviddriver:Provides}" macro in the "Provides:" line expands to xserver-xorg-video- instead of xserver-xorg-video-6.0 or

Re: ${xviddriver:Provides} broken?

2011-02-22 Thread Harald Dunkel
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hi Sven, On 02/22/11 21:29, Sven Joachim wrote: > > Are you using xsfbs? If so, this is probably because the > /usr/share/xserver-xorg/videoabiver file is gone. > >> instead of >> >> xserver-xorg-video-6.0 >> or >> xserver-xorg-video-8.0

Re: ${xviddriver:Provides} broken?

2011-02-23 Thread Harald Dunkel
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hi Sven, On 02/22/11 23:29, Sven Joachim wrote: > On 2011-02-22 23:08 +0100, Harald Dunkel wrote: > >> On 02/22/11 21:29, Sven Joachim wrote: >>> >>> Are you using xsfbs? If so, this is probably because the >>&

Re: ${xviddriver:Provides} broken?

2011-02-23 Thread Harald Dunkel
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hi Sven, On 02/23/11 17:06, Sven Joachim wrote: > On 2011-02-23 16:39 +0100, Harald Dunkel wrote: > > > Sorry, I got confused myself. That should have read > xserver-driver-video, not xserver-xorg-video. > Sorry, but this

Re: ${xviddriver:Provides} broken?

2011-02-23 Thread Harald Dunkel
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hi Sven, On 02/23/11 20:24, Sven Joachim wrote: >> >> Do you think this is OK? > > Well, if you don't want to support xserver-xorg-core versions with a > different ABI in the same binary package, then that's probably okay. > >> You can find my repos

ubuntu keyring?

2011-03-13 Thread Harald Dunkel
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hi folks, I am trying to setup a pbuilder environment for mixed amd64 and i386. Google pointed me to this page: Seems that Ubuntu provides the Debian keyring as well. According to this page this makes Ub

Re: ubuntu keyring?

2011-03-16 Thread Harald Dunkel
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On 03/13/11 15:40, Robert James Clay wrote: > > On Mar 13, 2011, at 5:19 AM, Harald Dunkel wrote: >> I have Ubuntu on my Laptop, but of course I would prefer to keep Debian >> as the base platform for package development. What

what if upstream provides debian build directory

2011-03-18 Thread Harald Dunkel
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hi folks, What is Debian's policy, if upstream provides its own debian directory or package build procedure? Is upstream always right? Does or should this source package become a "native" package? How do I include patches? What if upstream's package

Re: what if upstream provides debian build directory

2011-03-18 Thread Harald Dunkel
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On 03/18/11 20:57, Harald Jenny wrote: > On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 07:46:46PM +, The Fungi wrote: >> >> Not ignored at all... maintainers who find an upstream debian >> directory getting in the way (and who are unable to successfully >> convince upst

Re: what if upstream provides debian build directory

2011-03-18 Thread Harald Dunkel
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On 03/18/11 21:13, Adam Borowski wrote: > > The 3.0 format has a number of upsides and one downside: quilt. Sadly, the > variants are only 3.0 (native) which doesn't apply and 3.0 (quilt). The > latter interacts disastrously with keeping the packagi

Re: ubuntu keyring?

2011-03-18 Thread Harald Dunkel
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hi Bob, On 03/19/11 03:35, Robert James Clay wrote: > > On Mar 17, 2011, at 2:18 AM, Harald Dunkel wrote: >> >> Of course that could be done for all packages. The disadvantage is that >> these packages are not kept up-to-date

RFS: blockade upgrade

2011-03-31 Thread Harald Dunkel
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hi folks, I had sent this before, but there was no volunteer :-(. Please don't feel offended if I try again. I am looking for a sponsor for blockade. Its a sokoban-like XWindow game. The game itself is public domain, but most of the the levels includ

NMU for autofs failed for binary package

2017-04-16 Thread Harald Dunkel
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA256 Hi folks, I tried an NMU for autofs, but this failed for the binary package: % dput mentors autofs_5.1.2-1.1_source.changes /export/pbuilder/stretch-amd64/result/autofs_5.1.2-1.1_amd64.changes Checking signature on .changes gpg: /home/harri/debian

RFS: network-manager-strongswan 1.4.2-1

2017-07-13 Thread Harald Dunkel
Hi folks, I am looking for a sponsor to upload a new version of network-manager-strongswan 1.4.2-1. Regards Harri

Re: RFS: network-manager-strongswan 1.4.2-1

2017-07-21 Thread Harald Dunkel
On Sun, 16 Jul 2017 10:26:52 +0100 Ian Jackson wrote: > Harald Dunkel writes ("RFS: network-manager-strongswan 1.4.2-1"): > > I am looking for a sponsor to upload a new version of > > network-manager-strongswan 1.4.2-1. > > I'm willing. (Looking at m

RFS: #888743 (lsb-base)

2018-06-09 Thread Harald Dunkel
Hi folks, I would need a sponsor to fix lsb-base (#888743). The patch is trivial (see the BR), but nevertheless this is a hot story, since every service has this package on its dependency list. Are there volunteers? Should this fix go to experimental first? Regards Harri

Bug#964076: RFS network-manager-strongswan

2020-07-01 Thread Harald Dunkel
Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: wishlist Hi folks, my previous sponsor became unresponsive, so I am looking for a new sponsor for network-manager-strongswan. The source package is on salsa. Package name: network-manager-strongswan Version : 1.5.2-1 Upstream Author :

RFS: network-manager-strongswan

2020-07-01 Thread Harald Dunkel
Hi folks, I am looking for a sponsor for network-manager-strongswan. Regards Harri

is Salsa frozen?

2021-04-23 Thread Harald Dunkel
Hi folks, I have a new version of mg ready to go, but I am concerned that pushing it to Salsa might trigger an unwanted change to Bullseye during code freeze. Does it? Hope you don't mind asking. I am just careful. Harri -- [1] [2]

looking for a sponsor to upgrade mg

2021-09-21 Thread Harald Dunkel
Hi folks, I am looking for a sponsor to review the new mg package for Sid, as it can be found on . Its not tagged yet. Thank you very much in advance Harri

RFS: looking for a sponsor to upgrade mg (repost)

2021-09-22 Thread Harald Dunkel
Hi folks, I am looking for a sponsor to review the new mg package for Sid, as it can be found on . Its not tagged yet. (I missed the RFS in the subject line, so this is a repost.) Thank you very much in advance Harri

Re: RFS: looking for a sponsor to upgrade mg (repost)

2021-09-24 Thread Harald Dunkel
On 2021-09-22 15:04:43, Hilmar Preuße wrote: Please refer to the mentors FAQ: Hilmar The package is already in Debian, but the previous sponsor did not reply to my EMail. Regards Harri

Bug#1030528: RFS: mg/20221112-1

2023-02-04 Thread Harald Dunkel
oad: mg (20221112-1) unstable; urgency=medium * new upstream version 20221112 -- Harald Dunkel Sat, 19 Nov 2022 19:16:48 +0100 Thank you very much Harri

looking for a sponsor to nmu #767016

2016-03-08 Thread Harald Dunkel
Hi folks, I am looking for a sponsor for an NMU to get rid of #767016. Somebody with systemd experience would be welcome. Regards Harri

Re: looking for a sponsor to nmu #767016

2016-03-08 Thread Harald Dunkel
On 03/08/2016 12:12 PM, Harald Dunkel wrote: > Hi folks, > > I am looking for a sponsor for an NMU to get rid of #767016. > Somebody with systemd experience would be welcome. > PS: I posted a patch in the BTS. Regards Harri