I'd like to create a cron entry which is run once a day, at some
random time. This is necessary because the cron entry will result in
a request over the network, and I want to avoid that all hosts in a
time zone pound the server at the same time.
What is the recommended way to achieve this? Incl
* Andreas Barth:
> * Florian Weimer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [051215 09:05]:
>> What is the recommended way to achieve this? Include a script, to be
>> run manually, which creates the cron entry? (In this case, that would
>> be acceptable because the cron entry creati
* Andreas Barth:
>> I think Debian's cron package has reached end-of-life. 8-) fcron
>> already implements randomization. Perhaps not in the best possible
>> way, but basic support is available.
> Well, I really think we should be able to use randomized times in
> /etc/cron.d/something. If our
* Christoph Berg:
> Re: Florian Weimer in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> I'd like to create a cron entry which is run once a day, at some
>> random time. This is necessary because the cron entry will result in
>> a request over the network, and I want to avoid that all h
* Stefano Zacchiroli:
> Well, it is random of course. If the distribution is uniform you're
> granted that in the long run it will be run on the average once per day.
> I don't know how stringent were the requirements that the program should
> be run once per day, no more, no less ...
I need this
For future reference, here's what I've implemented in debsecan:
There is a script, /usr/sbin/debsecan-create-cron, which creates a
file /etc/cron.d/debsecan (if it does not exist yet). The file
contains a line "# AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED", and if this line is found
in the file, it will be removed
* Joey Hess:
> (As a more desktopish user, I'd rather expect something that lives in
> the toolbar and pops up an alert when there is a new security hole/fix,
> but that's beyond what debsecan does right now.)
Nice idea. Unfortunately, you cannot create a RSS feed unless you
know the locally ins
* Carlo Segre:
> The depended-on packages is not a very common one and I think it is
> useful for the sysadmin to know that it is no longer needed.
If the sysadmin cares about such things, she uses deborphan, aptitude
or debfoster to find such packages.
If NEWS.Debian is cluttered with such noti
* Kamaraju S. Kusumanchi:
> unpack the source again into another temp directory and then use "diff -r"
> and then delete the temp directory. But this is time consuming. Is there
> any easy way?
I usually load the Debian package into some version control system
prior to making changes. For instan
* Bas Wijnen:
> This is slightly off-topic, for which I apologise. It's just that I
> learned about symbol versioning during my NM process, and nobody outside
> Debian seems to understand what it is. :-(
*sigh* It's a bit sad that this is still being used in the NM process.
> I have a library,
unning services on upgrade, exiting with 0
is probably fine.
Florian Weimer<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
BFK edv-consulting GmbH http://www.bfk.de/
Kriegsstraße 100 tel: +49-721-96201-1
D-76133 Karlsruhe fax: +49-721-96201-99
* Jonathan Wiltshire:
> The license is a mixture of GPL versions, LGPL and custom grants that I
> consider to be free according to DFSG.
Some parts linked into the final binary are GPL-only, without
additional grants, and the binary is not distributable because it also
links against OpenSSL.
On Wed, Jul 16, 2003 at 06:21:58PM +0200, Luk Claes wrote:
> I am looking for a sponser for agrep
> (http://studwww.ugent.be/~lukclaes/debian)
Have the patent issues been resolved? IIRC, the SHIFT-AND algorithm has
been patented, and no royalty-free license is available.
On Thu, Jul 17, 2003 at 08:04:12PM +0800, Wang WenRui wrote:
> There is an agrep package already in Debian:
> http://packages.debian.org/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=agrep&searchon=names&subword=1&version=all&release=all
Huh? This package is *not* part of Debian.
Luk Claes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Have the patent issues been resolved? IIRC, the SHIFT-AND algorithm has
>> been patented, and no royalty-free license is available.
> Where can I find more information on that?
Sorry, I can't find the relevant patent. Probably I was mistaken
(agrep is
Jérôme Marant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Please write to Florian Weimer first. He already did the job, so
> it's up to him to decide if he wants him packages to enter the
> archives rather than yours.
I'm not a DD, so I have no word on this issue. But I'm g
Ludovic Brenta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I have packaged gnat and gnat-doc 3.15p for Debian on i386, as well as
> libgtkada2 (total, 3 source and 9 binary packages). They are
> available for download here:
> deb http://users.skynet.be/ludovic.brenta testing main
> deb-src http://users.skyne
Ludovic Brenta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> So, here you go: http://users.skynet.be/ludovic.brenta
Thanks a lot. Here are a few comments:
Your shared library support is probably incompatible with ACT's. Do
you really want to enable it by default?
You should bump Standards-Version to the most
Ludovic Brenta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Your shared library support is probably incompatible with ACT's. Do
>> you really want to enable it by default?
> Well, yes, I would like to, especially since gnat 3.14p did, too.
Ah, let's keep the old mistakes. 8-)
> Could you shed some light on
Ludovic Brenta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The real problem is the soname. I'm willing to change the soname to
> "libgnat-3.15p.so" (removing the .1) to become more compatible with
> ACT's GNAT, but does that violate the Debian Policy?
The users will receive annoying warnings from ldconfig, so
Ludovic Brenta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> The users will receive annoying warnings from ldconfig, so this is not
>> an option.
> I tried it on the binary distribution of GNAT 3.15p. I did not get
> any warnings:
Hmm, I can't reproduce it right now. But it looks to me like a policy
Ludovic Brenta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> First, please note that Debian is the only distro that does not ship
> shared libraries with the FSF variant of GNAT; all other distros agree
> that shared libraries are a good thing.
In fact, the GNU Ada Environment specification I wrote strongly
* Øystein Gisnås:
> Skype (www.skype.net) is a popular VoIP client, and there is a RFP
> (bug #255546) on it. The license most likely allows for the non-free
> section.
I don't think your judgment of the license is correct, see -legal.
it is reasonable to expect that such code doesn't compile on a
new architecture or platform without some tweaking.
University of Stuttgart http://cert.uni-stuttgart.de/
RUS-CERT +49-711-685-5973/fax +49-711-685-5898
* Øystein Gisnås:
> Skype (www.skype.net) is a popular VoIP client, and there is a RFP
> (bug #255546) on it. The license most likely allows for the non-free
> section.
I don't think your judgment of the license is correct, see -legal.
* David Given:
> Is there a correct way of tackling this kind of thing?
Does citadel provide the /usr/lib/sendmail interface?
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* Sebastian Kuzminsky:
> cogito_0.10-2 is up, it now puts the internal scripts and the shell
> library in /usr/share/cogito instead of /usr/lib/cogito. Thanks to Ben
> Finney and Peter Samuelson for cluing me in.
The package is GPLed, but depends on OpenSSL, whose license is not
it is reasonable to expect that such code doesn't compile on a
new architecture or platform without some tweaking.
University of Stuttgart http://cert.uni-stuttgart.de/
RUS-CERT +49-711-685-5973/fax +
A Debian developer has asked me if I wanted to adopt a package.
However, I'm not a Debian developer. How long does it take to become
a Debian developer nowadays? (Getting my GnuPG certified shouldn't be
a problem.)
If it takes months, it's probably better if someone else takes over.
Jon Ward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I would like to adopt the gnat package.
What about gnat-doc? There are a number of problems with it (non-free
license, wrong copyright information in general, the RM should be
with a subject of "un
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jérôme Marant) writes:
> What about ACT not fixing bugs in the GNAT public releases?
They do fix them, but they have extremely long release cycles.
> What about them not caring at all for bugs reported in the
> BTS and not sending any patch?
Only two of the bug reports
I'm looking for a sponsor for the ada-reference-manual package.
* Package name: ada-reference-manual
Version : 1.0
Upstream Author : ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9, Ada Rapporteur Group
* URL : http://www.ada-auth.org/arm.html
* License : custom, but DFSG-conforming
I'm looking for a sponsor for xml2rfc, a XML to text/HTML/nroff
converter which can be used to write Internet-Drafts and RFCs.
xml2rfc itself is written in Tcl. The package registers a DTD, so you
should have some experience with sgml-base. (I feel a bit uneasy
about the catalog file, but now it
On Wed, Jul 16, 2003 at 06:21:58PM +0200, Luk Claes wrote:
> I am looking for a sponser for agrep (http://studwww.ugent.be/~lukclaes/debian)
Have the patent issues been resolved? IIRC, the SHIFT-AND algorithm has
been patented, and no royalty-free license is available.
On Thu, Jul 17, 2003 at 08:04:12PM +0800, Wang WenRui wrote:
> There is an agrep package already in Debian:
> http://packages.debian.org/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=agrep&searchon=names&subword=1&version=all&release=all
Huh? This package is *not* part of Debian.
Luk Claes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Have the patent issues been resolved? IIRC, the SHIFT-AND algorithm has
>> been patented, and no royalty-free license is available.
> Where can I find more information on that?
Sorry, I can't find the relevant patent. Probably I was mistaken
(agrep is
Jérôme Marant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Please write to Florian Weimer first. He already did the job, so
> it's up to him to decide if he wants him packages to enter the
> archives rather than yours.
I'm not a DD, so I have no word on this issue. But I'm g
Ludovic Brenta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I have packaged gnat and gnat-doc 3.15p for Debian on i386, as well as
> libgtkada2 (total, 3 source and 9 binary packages). They are
> available for download here:
> deb http://users.skynet.be/ludovic.brenta testing main
> deb-src http://users.skyne
Ludovic Brenta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> So, here you go: http://users.skynet.be/ludovic.brenta
Thanks a lot. Here are a few comments:
Your shared library support is probably incompatible with ACT's. Do
you really want to enable it by default?
You should bump Standards-Version to the most
Ludovic Brenta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> The users will receive annoying warnings from ldconfig, so this is not
>> an option.
> I tried it on the binary distribution of GNAT 3.15p. I did not get
> any warnings:
Hmm, I can't reproduce it right now. But it looks to me like a policy
Ludovic Brenta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The real problem is the soname. I'm willing to change the soname to
> "libgnat-3.15p.so" (removing the .1) to become more compatible with
> ACT's GNAT, but does that violate the Debian Policy?
The users will receive annoying warnings from ldconfig, so
Ludovic Brenta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Your shared library support is probably incompatible with ACT's. Do
>> you really want to enable it by default?
> Well, yes, I would like to, especially since gnat 3.14p did, too.
Ah, let's keep the old mistakes. 8-)
> Could you shed some light on
Jon Ward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I would like to adopt the gnat package.
What about gnat-doc? There are a number of problems with it (non-free
license, wrong copyright information in general, the RM should be
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jérôme Marant) writes:
> What about ACT not fixing bugs in the GNAT public releases?
They do fix them, but they have extremely long release cycles.
> What about them not caring at all for bugs reported in the
> BTS and not sending any patch?
Only two of the bug reports
I'm looking for a sponsor for the ada-reference-manual package.
* Package name: ada-reference-manual
Version : 1.0
Upstream Author : ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9, Ada Rapporteur Group
* URL : http://www.ada-auth.org/arm.html
* License : custom, but DFSG-conforming
I'm looking for a sponsor for xml2rfc, a XML to text/HTML/nroff
converter which can be used to write Internet-Drafts and RFCs.
xml2rfc itself is written in Tcl. The package registers a DTD, so you
should have some experience with sgml-base. (I feel a bit uneasy
about the catalog file, but now it
* Gianfranco Costamagna:
>>Yes - I'm adopting it!
>>However I need to upload it somewhere first before I can file a RFS.
> this is true, I'm ccing Florian, because the package has an active
> uploader, so I think you should get in touch with him before asking
> for a sponsor :)
> (BTW Mai
* Gianfranco Costamagna:
> would you consider sponsoring some work on the package, or can I pick up
> the work?
I would prefer if you sponsored uploads. Thanks.
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