Looking for a sponsor: unace-nonfree 2.20

2004-08-29 Thread Dirk Prösdorf
Hello, I'm looking for a sponsor for the unrar-nonfree. The Debian packages can you find on http://www.proesdorf.de/uploads/unace-nonfree/. Some infos about this package. There is a free version of unace in Debian but this version 1.2b don't support newer ACE archives (the same like unrar and unr

Looking for a sponsor: unace-nonfree 2.20

2004-08-29 Thread Dirk Prösdorf
Hello, I'm looking for a sponsor for the unrar-nonfree. The Debian packages can you find on http://www.proesdorf.de/uploads/unace-nonfree/. Some infos about this package. There is a free version of unace in Debian but this version 1.2b don't support newer ACE archives (the same like unrar and unr