Re: list of public usertags?

2008-03-03 Thread Amaya
Justin Pryzby wrote: > Does there exist a list of "public" usertags in use? I'd like to see > a big list of these, probably a good use of the wiki. It's funny, I was wondering this myself just now :) Any pointers? -- ·''`.Moi je voudrais bien, un beau matin, qu'il y ait : :' :

Re: RFS: libvrb (updated package)

2008-04-11 Thread Amaya
Sorry for my really long silence. I see this version is still not in Debian. Should I upload? Székelyi Szabolcs wrote: > Dear mentors, > > I am looking for a sponsor for the new version 0.5.1-5 of my package > "libvrb". > > Amaya sponsored the initial upload, I wou

Re: RFS: QA Upload: libggi -- General Graphics Interface runtime libraries

2008-04-15 Thread Amaya
Barry deFreese wrote: > If someone has time to review and/or possibly upload I would appreciate it. I will look at it if nobody else is already doing so. Thanks for you effort. -- ·''`. Come, let me sing into your ear, those dancing days are gone : :' : I carry the sun in a golden cup,

Re: RFS: QA Upload: libggi -- General Graphics Interface runtime libraries

2008-04-15 Thread Amaya
Barry deFreese wrote: > If someone has time to review and/or possibly upload I would appreciate it. > > This FTBFS for me. On the other hand, how did it become a QA package? (just asking, no puns). -- ·''`. Come, let me si

Re: RFS: QA Upload: libggi -- General Graphics Interface runtime libraries

2008-04-16 Thread Amaya
Ok, the orphan part is clear now :) I am also not paying so much attention, it looks :) Barry deFreese wrote: > What error did you get? cp -a ./debian/tmp/usr/lib/ggi/display/ debian/libggi-target-svgalib/usr/lib/ggi/display/ cp: cannot stat `./debian/tmp/usr/lib/g

Re: A question about adopting a package

2008-04-24 Thread Amaya
Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz wrote: > You don't actually need the 'quit', but it hurts noone. There actuatually seems to be a trend to use 'kthxbye' nowadays, which is not documented, but seems to work, and a lot cooler and lolcatter From quit

Re: beta

2005-08-17 Thread Amaya
Neil McGovern wrote: > is now around 90% finished, so I'm looking > for people to try and break it :) [wishlist] Can you make all urls clickable links? (I mean links for upstream and debian source packages). Like in, I can't j

Re: beta

2005-08-17 Thread Amaya
And: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Host or domain name not found. Name service error for type=A: Host not found I was trying to report this: Debian Sponsors Team wrote: > This is a message as you signed up for an account with Debain > Sponsors. Small typo: s/Debain/Debian I do

Re: beta

2005-08-17 Thread Amaya
Neil McGovern wrote: > How's that? :) Did you just fix it or am I effing blind? -- .''`. Follow the white Rabbit - Ranty (and Lewis Carroll) : :' : `. `'Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux (Sid 2.6.11 Ext3) `-

Re: beta

2005-08-17 Thread Amaya
Neil McGovern wrote: > Nah, don't worry, I've just fixed it. /me falls to her knees in admiration. Amazing! -- .''`. Follow the white Rabbit - Ranty (and Lewis Carroll) : :' : `. `'Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux (Sid 2.6.11 Ext3) `- www.malape

Soponsoring FAQ clarification

2005-10-13 Thread Amaya
The last paragraph at The debian-mentors FAQ, located reads: Consider setting up a "sponsoring" alias for you and your sponsee, by creating a file in your home directory on called .forward-sponsoring- containing you

Re: Soponsoring FAQ clarification

2005-10-13 Thread Amaya
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) wrote: > The idea is make easier to contact maintainer and sponsor. :o) Handy indeed. > [EMAIL PROTECTED] Where I assume faw is the package name. src? binary? > Hope it helps, kind regards. :-) It does. Maybe the web page should be mad

Offer: Intend to sponsor

2006-01-14 Thread Amaya
Err, yes, you read the subject right. This is a risky experiment, and I hope it comes out fine. I have been successfully working with a sponsoree, Victor Seva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, in closing xlibs-dev transition bugs. He is not a Developer, so I have been sponsoring his NMUs. I am quite happy wit

Re: How to help with neglected packages

2006-01-19 Thread Amaya
Marcus Better wrote: > I am not a DD. Should I ask someone to do an NMU on these packages? I have not yet carefully looked at your patches, but I would be happy to do so, and upload and so on... But finding a long term Maintainer would be much better. Would you be willing invest the time and effor

Re: RFS: wmcpuload - Dockapp that displays the current CPU usage

2006-01-19 Thread Amaya
tags 347046 pending thanks Christian Aichinger wrote: > one of my packages, wmcpuload, needs a reupload due to the xlibs-dev > removal (to fix #347046). A sponsored upload is on its way. Thanks for fixing this! -- .''`. sleep: command not found : :' : `. `' Prou

Re: Bug#243941: How to help with neglected packages

2006-01-19 Thread Amaya
Russell Coker wrote: > I don't have the time that this package needs (as is probably > obvious). I welcome a package takeover by someone such as Amaya. Hi there, Russell. While I am not interested in maintanining it, I will be happy to mentor Marcus, and be his sponsor too. If this i

Re: RFS: wmcpuload - Dockapp that displays the current CPU usage

2006-01-19 Thread Amaya
> A sponsored upload is on its way. Looks like I was too fast to reply and Marc too slow to tag this pending ;) He will do the upload instead. Sorry for the noise -- .''`. sleep: command not found : :' : `. `' Proudly running unstable Debian GNU/Linux `- w

Re: RFS: anymeal

2006-08-21 Thread Amaya
Hi Sandro, mentorees and Mentors! Sandro Tosi wrote: > I am looking for a sponsor for my package "anymeal". I would love to sponsor it, but I have a huge backlog, as I had a Murphy stroke on my main developement machine's power supply, and no suitable replacement until half an hour ago. Please p

Re: RFS: rioutil -- Talk to USB based Diamond MM products

2006-08-22 Thread Amaya
Nathan Hjelm wrote: > On Monday, August 21, 2006, at 11:57AM, Thijs Kinkhorst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote: > > Good idea, but I see no packages in your mail to review and possibly > > sponsor. You need to provide us with an URL to the source package. > > A URL to the source file: > http://umn.dl.s

Re: Is Stan Vasilyev MIA?

2006-10-06 Thread Amaya
Bas Wijnen wrote: >, > and that mentions debian-devel should be asked before [EMAIL PROTECTED] Also, Cc:ing the guy or the bug number is nice. -- ·''`. If I can't dance to it, it's not my revolution :

Re: No response to RFS -- what to do now?

2006-11-06 Thread Amaya
Székelyi Szabolcs wrote: > I've posted an [0]RFS about 2 weeks ago, but the package has received > no attention from official developers. I'll upload it. Sorry I missed your RFS. -- ·''`. If I can't dance to it, it's not my revolution : :' :

Re: libvrb uploaded (was: Re: No response to RFS -- what to do now?)

2006-11-07 Thread Amaya
Székelyi Szabolcs wrote: > Thanks. A package using this lib will follow soon, I hope. First I > need to bring it into usable state. I am tight on time and can't keep track of all the RFS here. So if after a while no one uploads for you, ping me in private. Thanks for your contribution to Debian.

Re: RFS: sa-exim -- Use spamAssassin at SMTP time with the Exim v4 MTA

2006-12-02 Thread Amaya
Magnus Holmgren wrote: > it would be most kind if one or more of you could take a look at the > new sa-exim package I've prepared, thereby adopting it. (But don't > upload it yet; I'd like upstream to acknowledge that he knows that I'm > adopting it first.) I'll upload this. Thanks for giving sa-e

Re: RFS: sa-exim -- Use spamAssassin at SMTP time with the Exim v4 MTA

2006-12-02 Thread Amaya
Magnus Holmgren wrote: > Just a sec ... I just remembered that I should upgrade the > Standards-Version. Too late, I just uploaded, release often, release soon! I also emailed you about several issues. > There are also a couple of issues with the greylistclean script. I > think I'm gonna move it

Re: RFS: gnome-phone-manager (new upstream version)

2007-08-20 Thread Amaya
Francesco Namuri wrote: > I have updated the package because tomorrow a new version ha been > released (0.10), I have uploaded it to mentors: I'll take look at it. Expect an upload soon, unless someone is working on it already. -- ·''`. If I can't dance to it, it's not my revoluti

Re: RFS: gnome-phone-manager (new upstream version)

2007-08-20 Thread Amaya
Neil Williams wrote: > I looked at the previous version and it seemed fine at that stage, I > just couldn't test it because it doesn't work with my phone (and I ran > out of time to do much more testing). Feel free to continue the > checks. I am just about to start testing it, let's hope I can use

Re: RFS: New ccontrol package, 0.9.1+20060806-4

2007-09-08 Thread Amaya
Ted Percival wrote: > I originally emailed my regular sponsor, Amaya, but this time didn't > get an immediate reply -- so I'm posting to mentors. This fix is > important for Ubuntu so I'd like to get it into Debian ASAP so it can > be synced. Oops, I just uploaded bef

[VAC] Now -> January?

2007-10-02 Thread Amaya
Hi there! Two weeks ago I started a new job. Until my project goes into production, I expect to be buried alive with work, RL and other nuissances. I will not be completely offline, nor MIA, but I for sure expect to be less responsive. If you recently sent me a RFS and I didn't even reply, do not

Giving away most of my packages

2007-10-18 Thread Amaya
removed from the uploaders field for: amaya, fkiss, gnomekiss, libirman, lirc, mencal, perforate, and piuparts. If you are in any of these teams, please remove my name from the uploaders field. I will still keep subtitleeditor, as I still care

Re: RFS: python-gnupg

2012-04-04 Thread Amaya
Hi, Elena and all Elena ``of Valhalla'' wrote: > On 2012-03-27 at 18:39:11 +0400, Dmitry Shachnev wrote: > > Can I please upload the updated version to mentors.d.n? > > I don't think I will be able to do it before thursday, but > I'll upload it as soon as I can. Dimitry told me the package was

Re: RFS: uthash (updated package)

2011-05-20 Thread Amaya
Bastian Blywis wrote: > Unfortunately, my previous sponsor is supposedly MIA as he did not > reply to my emails that I sent many months ago. I will look at it today. -- .''`. Hate's no fun if you keep it to yourself : :' : -- The life of David Gale `. `' `-Proudly run

Re: RFS: uthash (updated package)

2011-05-20 Thread Amaya
Didier Raboud wrote: > If you fix 1), 3), 4) and 5) and explain 2) to me, I would be happy to > sponsor this package for you. Thanks for this review, you saved me a lot of time :) And I happily step down as you have this under control. -- .''`. Hate's no fun if you keep it to yourself : :' :

Re: RFS: retext (another try)

2011-06-02 Thread Amaya
Dmitry Shachnev wrote: > I am looking for a sponsor for my package "retext". I'm happy to look at it, if no one else is already looking at it. Just ping me privately. -- .''`. #yeswecamp #spanishrevolution : :' : `. `' `-Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, e

Re: RFS: pose - Palm OS Emulator (5th -and last- try)

2003-07-27 Thread Amaya
Juan Manuel García Molina dijo: > It's my 5th try to get an sponsor, so if this time noone wants to > sponsor the package, I'll suppose it is not interesting enough to > remain in Debian. So, my question is: would you like to upload pose > into Debian repository? Thanks. Next time just ping me pri

Re: RFS: pose-skins - skins for the PalmOS Emulator (5th -and last- try)

2003-07-27 Thread Amaya
Juan Manuel García Molina dijo: > I pretend you to upload the skins for pose (Palm OS Emulator), a package > called pose-skins. Since it is the 5th time I'm looking for uploaders, if no > sponsors want to upload the package, I'll stop trying to get an sponsor > (because of the low importance of

Re: RFS: gToDo

2003-10-06 Thread Amaya
Mika Hämäläinen dijo: > Hi, I am looking for a sponsor for gToDo package which I've created. I am taking a look at it right now. I will sponsor if I came through no problems. -- It seems that all that was good has died - Disturbed - Down with the sickness -

Re: RFS: gToDo

2003-10-07 Thread Amaya
Jamin W. Collins dijo: > The package doesn't appear to include logic to create a menu entry. True. I missed that. You can file a bug, but I don't think it's needed. I will sponsor an upload as soon as the fix is ready. Thanks for noticing this. -- It seems that all that was good has died

Re: RFS: gToDo

2003-10-24 Thread Amaya
Philipp Sadleder dijo: > Sources: Hi, Philip. gtodo-0.13.5 is already uploaded and, as a new package, it needs manual editing to make it into the archive. -- I don't think you trust in my self-righteous suicide ._System Of

How to get rid of an epoch?

2004-08-27 Thread Amaya
I'm doing a little houskeeping before sarge releases. Then I stumble upon this: Rejected: jail_1.6-2_i386.deb: old version (1:1.6-1) in stable >= new version (1.6-2) targeted at unstable. Rejected: jail_1.6-2_i386.deb: old version (1:1.6-1) in unstable >= new version (1.6-2

Re: RFS: gnome-configurator - utility to edit advanced gnome settings in easy way

2004-08-28 Thread Amaya
Jérôme Warnier wrote: > Anyway, maybe your package is better? The package name is more descriptive, at least ;) -- .''`. Resistance is futile. You will be componentized. : :' : `. `' Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux (Sid 2.6.6 Ext3) `- www.chi

Re: Upgrade version of lostirc and pharmacy, need support

2004-09-29 Thread Amaya
Martin Braure de Calignon wrote: > I used to maintain pharmacy, i'll take a look at it if no one has helped you yet. -- .''`. Somewhere in Texas there is a village without its idiot : :' : `. `' Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux (Sid 2.6.6

/etc/ question

2001-02-23 Thread Amaya
I have recently adopted a package that places two conffiles in /etc/ I think that it would be more appropiate to place them under /etc/my_package/ I need some help regarding how to do it and if it should be done at all. Thanks a lot in advance. -- If you don't spend energy getting what you wan

Re: /etc/ question

2001-02-23 Thread Amaya
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry dijo: > it is difficult to move conffiles, why do you think they should be in > /etc/my_package? I just think it's cleaner. > Problem is, you can only declare a conffile if it is in your package. So you > new package has /etc/package/foo and it used to be /etc/foo. What happe

Re: /etc/ question

2001-02-23 Thread Amaya
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry dijo: > how will this affect current users of your package? when they upgrade, will > they lose all of their old settings? Of course not! ;-) I'd just move them to the new location. But, I'm starting to think this is not a good idea, maybe. -- If you don't spend energy get

Re: Sponsor request

2001-02-23 Thread Amaya
Taral dijo: > Well, the person I thought would sponsor me isn't available. Can someone else > check + upload my tkrat packages? (Do I need closes: #... statements?) I guess it should. Does it close any bugs? If it doesn't, why are you uploading it? -- If you don't spend energy getting what yo

Re: /etc/ question

2001-02-24 Thread Amaya
Colin Watson dijo: > You have to be even more careful than that, since the installation might fail > and dpkg might want to unwind the maintainer scripts - so 'postrm > abort-upgrade' and 'postrm abort-install' need to move the file back if > possible. Thanks a lot. I had not taken that into accou

Custom package versioning

2001-04-17 Thread Amaya
good, but doesn not deal with the fact that dpkg will try to replace the package with a newer upstream one. Thanks in advance for any input or ideas. Amaya -- Amaya M. Rodrigo Sastre Sysadmin @ Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux I think I'm sch

Re: Sample config file

2001-07-19 Thread Amaya
Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta dijo: > The problem is that /etc/multiCDrc is not a conffile yet, so making it a > conffile now won't avoid overwriting it when updating to the new version in > case it exists now. Or will it? Maybe you should just check in your preinst and prompt the user. -- Do

How to get rid of an epoch?

2004-08-27 Thread Amaya
I'm doing a little houskeeping before sarge releases. Then I stumble upon this: Rejected: jail_1.6-2_i386.deb: old version (1:1.6-1) in stable >= new version (1.6-2) targeted at unstable. Rejected: jail_1.6-2_i386.deb: old version (1:1.6-1) in unstable >= new version (1.6-2

Re: RFS: gnome-configurator - utility to edit advanced gnome settings in easy way

2004-08-28 Thread Amaya
Jérôme Warnier wrote: > Anyway, maybe your package is better? The package name is more descriptive, at least ;) -- .''`. Resistance is futile. You will be componentized. : :' : `. `' Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux (Sid 2.6.6 Ext3) `- www.chi

Re: Upgrade version of lostirc and pharmacy, need support

2004-09-28 Thread Amaya
Martin Braure de Calignon wrote: > I used to maintain pharmacy, i'll take a look at it if no one has helped you yet. -- .''`. Somewhere in Texas there is a village without its idiot : :' : `. `' Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux (Sid 2.6.6

Re: RFS: bookmarkbridge

2005-02-25 Thread Amaya
It would be nice if it would support Galeon... ThatÅ the first whishlist bug here :) -- .''`. What does not destroy me, makes me stronger. - Nietzsche : :' : `. `'Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux (Sid 2.6.10 Ext3) `-

/etc/ question

2001-02-23 Thread Amaya
I have recently adopted a package that places two conffiles in /etc/ I think that it would be more appropiate to place them under /etc/my_package/ I need some help regarding how to do it and if it should be done at all. Thanks a lot in advance. -- If you don't spend energy getting what you wa

Re: /etc/ question

2001-02-23 Thread Amaya
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry dijo: > it is difficult to move conffiles, why do you think they should be in > /etc/my_package? I just think it's cleaner. > Problem is, you can only declare a conffile if it is in your package. So you > new package has /etc/package/foo and it used to be /etc/foo. What happ

Re: /etc/ question

2001-02-23 Thread Amaya
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry dijo: > how will this affect current users of your package? when they upgrade, will > they lose all of their old settings? Of course not! ;-) I'd just move them to the new location. But, I'm starting to think this is not a good idea, maybe. -- If you don't spend energy ge

Re: Sponsor request

2001-02-23 Thread Amaya
Taral dijo: > Well, the person I thought would sponsor me isn't available. Can someone else > check + upload my tkrat packages? (Do I need closes: #... statements?) I guess it should. Does it close any bugs? If it doesn't, why are you uploading it? -- If you don't spend energy getting what y

Re: /etc/ question

2001-02-24 Thread Amaya
Colin Watson dijo: > You have to be even more careful than that, since the installation might fail > and dpkg might want to unwind the maintainer scripts - so 'postrm > abort-upgrade' and 'postrm abort-install' need to move the file back if > possible. Thanks a lot. I had not taken that into acco

Custom package versioning

2001-04-17 Thread Amaya
good, but doesn not deal with the fact that dpkg will try to replace the package with a newer upstream one. Thanks in advance for any input or ideas. Amaya -- Amaya M. Rodrigo Sastre Sysadmin @ Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux I think I'm sch

Re: Sample config file

2001-07-19 Thread Amaya
Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta dijo: > The problem is that /etc/multiCDrc is not a conffile yet, so making it a > conffile now won't avoid overwriting it when updating to the new version in > case it exists now. Or will it? Maybe you should just check in your preinst and prompt the user. -- D

Alpha question

2001-08-27 Thread Amaya
rst time and I guess I should know better, but I have no idea. Thanks for any input :-)) Amaya -- Save the bandwidth for the windoze email worms. ;-) - Peter Gervai - .''`. : :' : Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux Sid (Kernel 2.4.6) on Rei

Re: Alpha question

2001-08-27 Thread Amaya
Thank you, I guess it's now fixed!!! I'm so happy... Now it's just a temporal fix, I know I have to see why it was failing... and probably talk to upstream. It should build with standard gettext. Thanks again. -- Save the bandwidth for the windoze email worms. ;-) - Peter Gervai - .''`.

Re: Alpha question

2001-08-27 Thread Amaya
Sorry to insist on this. Is there an autobuilder for alpha? Should I upload the generated alpha .deb? Overwhelmed, Amaya -- Save the bandwidth for the windoze email worms. ;-) - Peter Gervai - .''`. : :' : Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux Sid (K

[BTS] Bug number $bug not found.

2001-10-26 Thread Amaya
I am trying to reopen a bug, tag it and merge it with a more recent one. This is the answer I get from the BTS: Debian Bug Tracking System said: > Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]: >> reopen 109629 > Bug number 109629 not found. > >> tags 109629 upstream > Bug number 109629 not found. >

Re: [BTS] Bug number $bug not found.

2001-10-27 Thread Amaya
First, thanks for your quick reply :-) Santiago Vila dijo: > After a bug is archived, it is available for search, but its history > is "frozen", so no commands to change its status are accepted. Ack. > Somebody suggested once a "resurrect" command for this, but not everybody > likes the idea o

Re: [BTS] Bug number $bug not found.

2001-10-28 Thread Amaya
Josip Rodin dijo: > That's primarily because it's worked like this for years, and because people > shouldn't ever need this as the bugs shouldn't get wrongly closed and then > neglected for a month. Theoretically, bugs shouldn't reappear in newer > releases of software, too :) IMNSHO, the bug is

Re: "harry up for freeze" strangeness

2001-11-08 Thread Amaya
Hi! I am in the same situation as you are :-( Stefano Zacchiroli dijo: > What does this means? What I have to do to solve the problems? As seen in: SuperH (``sh'') This is a fairly new port to Hitachi SuperH processors. I guess there's little we can do about this

dh_clean issues

2001-12-03 Thread Amaya
iving trouble with CVS operations... Any hint, suggestion, creative criticism and the such is more than wellcome. [Cc:ing me will be greatly appreciated, as I am not suscribed from this email address, at work]. -- Próxima estación, Esperanza. Final de trayecto - Metro de Madrid Amaya Rodrigo S

Re: dh_clean issues

2001-12-03 Thread Amaya
Colin Watson dijo: > dh_clean(1) says: >-Xitem --exclude=item Oh, well, I missed it, it's no good to be all upset and in a hurry :-) Thanks! -- Próxima estación, Esperanza. Final de trayecto - Metro de Madrid Amaya Rodrigo Sta Engracia, 54 2

Re: Packaging CVS snapshots?

2001-12-03 Thread Amaya
Carlos Laviola dijo: > Some folks at #debian-devel suggested me to use dbs, Sorry, what do you exactly mean by dbs? > Can anyone give me some clues, or could anyone that does/has done this > give me a hand? What is exactly what you are having trouble with? Automating? Dealing with CVS stuff?

i18n, .po, .gmo, .mo puzzle

2001-12-15 Thread Amaya
Dear friends and developers... I just translated the .po files for one of my packages (gnomekiss) and I am having trouble getting the i18n stuff installed. Please, bear with me, as this is my first attepmt to get in terms with gettext, .po, gtranslator and the rest of the crew :-) First I have

Re: i18n, .po, .gmo, .mo puzzle

2001-12-16 Thread Amaya
Robert Bihlmeyer dijo: > Reading the gettext manual may help, especially the "Maintainer's > view" chapter. I assume the package uses gettext and autoconf. Great. I should have guessed 0:-) > I assume the package uses gettext and autoconf. Indeed. > A "make install" in the "po" directory shoul

Re: i18n, .po, .gmo, .mo puzzle

2001-12-17 Thread Amaya
Dear friends... I finally fixed it. It was a problem in my debian/rules file. I was not making a propper install. Thanks for your time and advice. -- .''`. "No tengo el coño pa ruidos" -- David Amor, dear friend : :' : `. `' Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux Sid (Kernel 2.4.9)

System-dependent libraries X programs must link with

2001-12-19 Thread Amaya
There friends, This a "just in case" question. I am packaging fkiss (see #106140). It was finally released under GPL (yeeha!). I see that in configure, upstream checks: # [EMAIL PROTECTED] says this is needed for Ultrix, if the X # libraries were built with DECnet support. And [EMAIL

Tagging 88054 help

2002-03-22 Thread Amaya
bs? Any hints appreciated. Regards, Amaya - Now leaving for the weekend :-) -- .''`. Eating seeds as a pastime acctivity, the toxicity : :' : of our city, of our city - System of a down `. `' Proudly running D

Re: Tagging 88054 help

2002-03-31 Thread Amaya
Matt Zimmerman dijo: > You should review the definition of the "pending" tag. I do not think > that it is appropriate here. Sorry, I got that impression from: pending The problem described in the bug is being acti

Re: Tagging 88054 help

2002-04-01 Thread Amaya
her way, I removed the pending tag and reassigned it to xlibs, as there's nothing I can do about it. Let the mantainer fix it as he pleases, or even tag it wontfix. Regards, Amaya -- .''`.Same shit, different day... : :' : `. `'

Upstream's debian/ directory

2002-07-28 Thread Amaya
I am taking a look at renameutils ( in oprder to file an ITP. Upstream already has a debian/ directory and I am not sure what to do... ¿Should I just remove it form the .tar.gz and use that as my .orig.tar.gz or just let diff do its thing and reflect my

Re: Upstream's debian/ directory

2002-07-28 Thread Amaya
Marcin Owsiany dijo: > I guess the best way is to ask upstream to remove the debian directory. > Otherwise you have to repack the source tarball (removing it yourself). I'll probably do both :) -- .''`. After all, only the mediocre are always at their best. : :' :

Re: Upstream's debian/ directory

2002-07-28 Thread Amaya
Damn, I am tired and reading too fast, I tought I was answering to my upstream... -- .''`. After all, only the mediocre are always at their best. : :' : -- Jean Giraudoux `. `' Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux Sid (2.4.18 + Ext3) `-

Re: Upstream's debian/ directory

2002-07-29 Thread Amaya
Goswin Brederlow dijo: > Amaya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > Goswin Brederlow dijo: > > > The best thing to do would be to get the upstream debian dir into > > > proper shape and keep it that way. > > > > That's fine with me. > > >

Re: Sending ITP during long NM process?

2002-08-08 Thread Amaya
Jay Bonci dijo: > I have 16 packages on my site at ready to go, > and I'm currently looking at a few more in my spare time, A suggestion to keep you busy ;-) Also watch the RFP (Request for Packaging) WNPP bugs. -- .''`

[OT] Re: Wrestling

2002-11-04 Thread Amaya
Sa B Broderick said: > Do you all like wrestling ? I dont > mean overglorified national types like > WWF and WCW. I mean hard nosed good old > local wrestling. I think d-devel is the list for a nice demo of how much we do like wrestling. I mean hard nosed good old virtual wrestling. [I couldn't

seti-applet upload to stable

2002-11-15 Thread Amaya
Dear friends at the release team, I am planning to upload seti-applet to stable, in order to fix these two bugs: seti-applet (0.2.2-2) stable; urgency=high * Added CFLAGS to find libgtop header files (Closes: #140659) Added CONFIG_FLAGS for completeness. *

Re: seti-applet upload to stable

2002-11-15 Thread Amaya
Christian Marillat dijo: > Of course not. You need to hack the code for that. Upstream author is > Bruno Pires Marinho ? No, his name is Richard Kinder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. -- .''`. Nothing screams poor workmanship more than wrinkles in the duct tape : :' : `. `' Proudly running Debia

Re: RFS: openag - open alternative to AudioGalaxy Satellite

2003-06-08 Thread Amaya
Juan Manuel García Molina dijo: > This upload will fix an RC bug. Al this moment, there is a patch > correcting this bug in DBTS, but i would prefer an upload of the > package. I will (if no one else has offered to sponsor you by now). -- I would rather starve than lose your acceptance

Re: RFS: openag - open alternative to AudioGalaxy Satellite

2003-06-08 Thread Amaya
Amaya dijo: > I will (if no one else has offered to sponsor you by now). Done! -- I would rather starve than lose your acceptance .''`.My eyes will always show my empty soul : :' :- Boy Sets Fire `. `' Proudly runnin

Re: RFS: pose - Palm OS Emulator (5th -and last- try)

2003-07-27 Thread Amaya
Juan Manuel García Molina dijo: > It's my 5th try to get an sponsor, so if this time noone wants to > sponsor the package, I'll suppose it is not interesting enough to > remain in Debian. So, my question is: would you like to upload pose > into Debian repository? Thanks. Next time just ping me pri

Re: RFS: pose-skins - skins for the PalmOS Emulator (5th -and last- try)

2003-07-27 Thread Amaya
Juan Manuel García Molina dijo: > I pretend you to upload the skins for pose (Palm OS Emulator), a package > called pose-skins. Since it is the 5th time I'm looking for uploaders, if no > sponsors want to upload the package, I'll stop trying to get an sponsor > (because of the low importance of

Re: RFS: gToDo

2003-10-06 Thread Amaya
Mika Hämäläinen dijo: > Hi, I am looking for a sponsor for gToDo package which I've created. I am taking a look at it right now. I will sponsor if I came through no problems. -- It seems that all that was good has died - Disturbed - Down with the sickness - -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email

Re: RFS: gToDo

2003-10-07 Thread Amaya
Jamin W. Collins dijo: > The package doesn't appear to include logic to create a menu entry. True. I missed that. You can file a bug, but I don't think it's needed. I will sponsor an upload as soon as the fix is ready. Thanks for noticing this. -- It seems that all that was good has died

Re: RFS: gToDo

2003-10-23 Thread Amaya
Philipp Sadleder dijo: > Sources: Hi, Philip. gtodo-0.13.5 is already uploaded and, as a new package, it needs manual editing to make it into the archive. -- I don't think you trust in my self-righteous suicide ._System Of

Alpha question

2001-08-27 Thread Amaya
rst time and I guess I should know better, but I have no idea. Thanks for any input :-)) Amaya -- Save the bandwidth for the windoze email worms. ;-) - Peter Gervai - .''`. : :' : Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux Sid (Kernel 2.4.6) on Rei

Re: Alpha question

2001-08-27 Thread Amaya
Thank you, I guess it's now fixed!!! I'm so happy... Now it's just a temporal fix, I know I have to see why it was failing... and probably talk to upstream. It should build with standard gettext. Thanks again. -- Save the bandwidth for the windoze email worms. ;-) - Peter Gervai - .''`.

Re: Alpha question

2001-08-27 Thread Amaya
Sorry to insist on this. Is there an autobuilder for alpha? Should I upload the generated alpha .deb? Overwhelmed, Amaya -- Save the bandwidth for the windoze email worms. ;-) - Peter Gervai - .''`. : :' : Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux Sid (K

[BTS] Bug number $bug not found.

2001-10-26 Thread Amaya
I am trying to reopen a bug, tag it and merge it with a more recent one. This is the answer I get from the BTS: Debian Bug Tracking System said: > Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]: >> reopen 109629 > Bug number 109629 not found. > >> tags 109629 upstream > Bug number 109629 not found. >

Re: [BTS] Bug number $bug not found.

2001-10-28 Thread Amaya
First, thanks for your quick reply :-) Santiago Vila dijo: > After a bug is archived, it is available for search, but its history > is "frozen", so no commands to change its status are accepted. Ack. > Somebody suggested once a "resurrect" command for this, but not everybody > likes the idea of

Re: [BTS] Bug number $bug not found.

2001-10-28 Thread Amaya
Josip Rodin dijo: > That's primarily because it's worked like this for years, and because people > shouldn't ever need this as the bugs shouldn't get wrongly closed and then > neglected for a month. Theoretically, bugs shouldn't reappear in newer > releases of software, too :) IMNSHO, the bug is f

Re: "harry up for freeze" strangeness

2001-11-08 Thread Amaya
Hi! I am in the same situation as you are :-( Stefano Zacchiroli dijo: > What does this means? What I have to do to solve the problems? As seen in: SuperH (``sh'') This is a fairly new port to Hitachi SuperH processors. I guess there's little we can do about this.

dh_clean issues

2001-12-03 Thread Amaya
iving trouble with CVS operations... Any hint, suggestion, creative criticism and the such is more than wellcome. [Cc:ing me will be greatly appreciated, as I am not suscribed from this email address, at work]. -- Próxima estación, Esperanza. Final de trayecto - Metro de Madrid Amaya Rodrigo S

Re: dh_clean issues

2001-12-03 Thread Amaya
Colin Watson dijo: > dh_clean(1) says: >-Xitem --exclude=item Oh, well, I missed it, it's no good to be all upset and in a hurry :-) Thanks! -- Próxima estación, Esperanza. Final de trayecto - Metro de Madrid Amaya Rodrigo Sta Engracia, 54 2

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