
2002-06-26 Thread mailing
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Re: how long does it take to find an AM

2002-06-26 Thread Rick Younie
Duncan Findlay wrote: > > The NM process is full of waiting. Consider it more of a test of > devotion rather than a nuisance. It'll happen eventually, I believe > most of this stuff has to be done manually, and usually by some of the > busiest people Debian has. > > -- > Duncan Findlay, who had

Re: Libtool for multiple libs in one source package

2002-06-26 Thread Ben Darnell
Thanks Christophe, that did it. -Ben -- Ben Darnell [EMAIL PROTECTED] Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP/GPG key 1024D/1F06E509 msg06509/pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

RE: Appeal to follow up on sponsor/advocate requests

2002-06-26 Thread tony mancill
FWIW, I typically respond via private email too. Perhaps we should resurrect (which still functions, but seems to be outdated), or try using the RFS suggestion someone recently posted? On Tue, 25 Jun 2002, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote: > On 25-Ju

Re: sponsor and advocate wanted

2002-06-26 Thread Kristis Makris
On Tue, 2002-06-25 at 11:06, Ben Armstrong wrote: > On Tue, Jun 25, 2002 at 02:01:46PM -0300, Ben Armstrong wrote: > > On Thu, Jun 20, 2002 at 09:24:27PM -0700, Kristis Makris wrote: > > > tkxcd - a diff front end with a look and feel based on Atria Clearcase > > > xcleardiff. Similar to tkdiff. Ou


2002-06-26 Thread mailing
Content-type:text/html";>"; width="580" height="49">"; width="580" heigh

Re: how long does it take to find an AM

2002-06-26 Thread Rick Younie
Duncan Findlay wrote: > > The NM process is full of waiting. Consider it more of a test of > devotion rather than a nuisance. It'll happen eventually, I believe > most of this stuff has to be done manually, and usually by some of the > busiest people Debian has. > > -- > Duncan Findlay, who had

Re: Libtool for multiple libs in one source package

2002-06-26 Thread Ben Darnell
Thanks Christophe, that did it. -Ben -- Ben Darnell [EMAIL PROTECTED] Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP/GPG key 1024D/1F06E509 pgpFJOq7u1Crr.pgp Description: PGP signature