looking for sponsor for bridge game

2002-03-26 Thread David Roundy
Hello everyone. I have written a cross-platform online bridge game, and would be like to get it into debian. You can check it out at: deb http://http.abridgegame.org/debian/ unstable main deb-src http://http.abridgegame.org/debian/ unstable main Or look at the web page at www.abridgegame.org.

looking for sponsor for bridge game

2002-03-26 Thread David Roundy
Hello everyone. I have written a cross-platform online bridge game, and would be like to get it into debian. You can check it out at: deb http://http.abridgegame.org/debian/ unstable main deb-src http://http.abridgegame.org/debian/ unstable main Or look at the web page at www.abridgegame.org.