Hi, as a start you might want to give some build logs or install logs. I see you already ccd Alex, who did a first packaging work. https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=687543 https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=687620
unfortunately the package didn't get in unstable, so there isn't much we can do here. If you want to package it please start, own the RFP, do the packaging work (and here we can help with it) and open an RFS bug. If you want to install something not available in debian repositories debian-mentors is not the right place (here we discuss mainly request of sponsorships, and packaging issues). Maybe there are some debian-users lists that might be more helpful. cheers, Gianfranco Il Mercoledì 25 Novembre 2015 22:24, linuxuser <artan.mi...@yahoo.com> ha scritto: hello Can you help me how to installed udpxy.1.0.23-0-prod.tar.gz I uses Debian 8.2 ,I'm trying but it is impossible