Re: GNOME War Pad: Sponsor needed

2005-03-16 Thread Frank S. Thomas
Hi, On Wednesday 16 March 2005 05:39, Lucas Di Pentima wrote: > GWP's license is the GPL, and I'm already packaging it for Debian, so I > need someone with patience to be my sponsor, check my .deb[4] package > and tell me what's missing or wrong so we can upload this software to > Debian's reposi

Re: GNOME War Pad: Sponsor needed

2005-03-16 Thread Moritz Muehlenhoff
Lucas Di Pentima wrote: > One question I have is this: if my program have to go to the 'contrib' > section, it's still part of Debian? that is, the procedure to make it > part of the contrib section is the same as any other program in the > 'main' section? It would not be part of the regular distr

Re: GNOME War Pad: Sponsor needed

2005-03-16 Thread Lucas Di Pentima
Moritz Muehlenhoff wrote, On 16/03/05 12:33: It would not be part of the regular distribution, but for practical reasons it doesn't make much difference and the process for inclusion in the archive is the same. See policy for details, e.g. changing your section from games to contrib/games. Yep, I'l

Re: GNOME War Pad: Sponsor needed

2005-03-16 Thread Lucas Di Pentima
Hi Moritz! Moritz Muehlenhoff wrote, On 16/03/05 06:11: "VGA Planets" was really nice, I played it ages ago in DOS. But the "Gnome War Pad" entry at the Linux Game Tome says, that you need a version of "VGA Planets", either shareware or the registered, to play. Is this still true with the current r

Re: GNOME War Pad: Sponsor needed

2005-03-16 Thread Moritz Muehlenhoff
In gmane.linux.debian.devel.mentors, you wrote: > GWP[0] is a 'VGA Planets' 3.x client that's intended to allow free > software users to play this excellent strategy game without using the > > Today, GWP is an almost complete 'VGA Planets' viewer, with a > python-based plugin infraestructure (the r

GNOME War Pad: Sponsor needed

2005-03-15 Thread Lucas Di Pentima
Hi to all Debian Mentors out there! I'm a long time Debian user and now I'm wanting to start helping the Debian team, firstly with some packaging works on a free software project of mine: GNOME War Pad (or GWP for short). GWP[0] is a 'VGA Planets' 3.x client that's intended to allow free software u