In an attempt to save the world from disaster, Scott Ellis wrote:
> On Tue, 27 Jan 1998, Jeff Sheinberg wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I couldn't find `fakeroot' in bo, bo-unstable, or bo-updates on
> >  It was in hamm, but I don't have a hamm system.
> > 
> > Any suggestions are appreciated.
> Fakeroot as released is only useful for compiling on libc6 systems.  It
> would be pointless to have a bo version.
Well, fakeroot as currently released only runs libc6 executables.
So it would indeed be pointless to compile it for libc5. But
there's no reason why I couldn't change that "libc6" string in there
to "libc5" (and a few other changes), so that it runs libc5 code.

But as it's a new package, we aren't exactly encouraged to
upload new packages to bo[1], and I don't think there will be a
great need for it in bo anyway, I don't yet plan to release a
libc5 version.

[1] Note that recently a (severe) security problem was discovered with
    fakeroot. Because fakeroot was only available for hamm, the proboblem
    was a lot less bad than it would have been otherwise.

joost witteveen, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The upstream maintainer is allowed to do things different 
than Debian, but only if he has good reasons to do so.

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