I would like to know, please, if there is any Debian developer interested (with some free time) in including a fork of the zpaq archiving program, abandonware from 2016.
The maintainer of zpaq (S.Kitt) follows many packages and I think he's 
very busy, maybe too busy to help me.
I have tried cyclically over the past two years, without succeeding.

Since there is already a Debian package in the codebase and my software is (almost) a drop-in replacement it should be fairly easy to modify what is present (i.e. not taking much time) from this https://salsa.debian.org/debian/zpaq
To meet Debian requirements (no binaries inside the source) I have 
prepared a version that, while not being able to automatically verify 
operational on "strange" systems (PowerPC, sparc etc) should be adherent 
to Debian requirements

Currently the fork is in FreeBSD, OpenBSD and brew


I apologize if I do not try again with the proposal of a new package with the normal "bug" channel, but I already tried a year ago (Bug#1019139)
Thanks to every answers

Franco Corbelli

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