On 02/09/2016 05:04 AM, Bret Busby wrote:
End of Life on Valentines Day?
So, Valentines Day means death to many lifes?
A Valentines Day Massacre?
(Someone had to say it...)
On 09.02.16 17:05, Miroslav Skoric wrote:
To prevent the 'end of life' I upgraded my old comp to wheezy some
time ago,
El 08/02/16 a las 23:02, Santiago Ruano Rincón escribió:
> Hi,
> I've committed to https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/publicity/announcements.git/
> the first draft for the announcement about the Squeeze LTS EOF. Please,
> take a look on it.
> I haven't proposed a release date yet. Next Sunday,
> > I haven't proposed a release date yet. Next Sunday, 14th February should
> > be Ok?
> The publicity team ask to schedule the announce for next Friday. Does
> anyone disagree?
Not here. Just want to say thank you all for working on the announcement.
: :' :
On Tue, Feb 09, 2016 at 08:50:19AM +0100, Paul Gevers wrote:
Hi Vincent,
On 08-02-16 18:23, Vincent Blut wrote:
That’s the plan, yes. By the way, I’ll contact you in the next few
to review 2.2.1-1 which is mostly ready.
Ok. Please be aware that I might not be able to act on the
Hello Security Team,
As a contributor to squeeze-lts, it was suggested that I contact the
security team for advise on how to handle the security updates for
imagemagick in squeeze-lts.
As per my email to debian LTS (below), I identified five patches from
the unstable version which look relevant: