Semi-automatic unclaim of packages with more than 2 weeks being inactive

2021-10-25 Thread Jeremiah C. Foster
Hi, /me puts on Holger's hat . . . Today four packages were "unclaimed" for LTS: -thunderbird (Emilio) -redis (Chris Lamb) -python3.5 (Utkarsh) -firefox-esr (Emilio) In addition, no one has claimed 4 or more packages. There appears to be two DLAs which are reserved but not yet published; DLA

Security update of salt

2021-10-25 Thread Markus Koschany
Hello, I have picked up salt in dla-needed.txt and I wondered why there hasn't been any progress in the last months. Upstream appears to have released security patches for version 2016.11.3 and 2018.3.5 which is quite close to what we have in Debian. The patches for Stretch are