LiveCD doesn’t find persistent file

2009-07-22 Thread
the boot option: “live persistent persistent-path=/dev/sdb1”. But in all cases the persistent file wasn’t recognized. Then I put the file to my internal harddrive but I had no success too. For your information, I use Debian Lenny. Please can you help me? Thank you very much, Oliver -- os.n

Boot option to disable dhcpdiscover?

2009-07-23 Thread
Is there a boot option to disable dhcpdiscover? The dhcp-discovery takes about 1 minute and booting the livecd would be much faster if there is a boot option to skip the dhcpdiscover. Can you help me? Thank you. Oliver -- -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-live-requ

Installing from a livecd

2009-07-24 Thread
ive-installer. No success. How can I start the installer from my livecd? I use Debian Lenny. Thank you for your help. Oliver -- -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Re: LiveCD doesn’t find persistent file

2009-07-24 Thread
Can someone help me please and is willing to post a detailed description (more detailed than the manual and FAQ) how to make a persistent file and how to use it? Thank you, Oliver -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contac

Re: Installing from a livecd

2009-07-25 Thread
Hello Daniel, I'm sorry, but I don't know what you mean. If I start booting from my livecd I get the Debian splash screen and a boot prompt. There I can enter e.g. "live toram". But I don't get a boot menu. Could you tell me what you mean or what I have to do to get this boot menu? I read abou

Re: Installing from a livecd

2009-07-25 Thread
Hello Daniel, thank you very much for your great help. LH_SYSLINUX_MENU was disabled (this is the default value!). Perhaps someone should make a hint in the manual. Best wishes Oliver -- -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of

Re: LiveCD doesn’t find persistent file

2009-07-28 Thread
Thank you very much for your answers. I now tried to save snapshots to the USB stick. This works fine. Best wishes Oliver -- -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

binary.img is not bootable from CD-ROM

2009-09-06 Thread
-fs: No VRS found ISOFS: Unable to identify CD-ROM format Perhaps this is a bug in Lenny or in Live-helper. I'm not familiar enough with Debian to localize the error. Please can you have a look? Thanks. Best wishes Oliver -- -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-live-requ...@li

Re: binary.img is not bootable from CD-ROM

2009-09-07 Thread
Thank you very much, Daniel. I apologize for my fault. I had forgotten that I created a usb-hdd image last time. It seemes that lh_config remembered this option. Best wishes Oliver -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Cont

German keyboard layout (AltGr-key)

2009-10-26 Thread
7;t work (perhaps I misunderstand the FAQ or forgot something important). I need a more detailed instruction how to run the skript. For your further information: I use Debian stable and live-helper 1.0.3-2 Thank you very much for your help. Best wishes Oliver -- -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

How to run a script when the live system boots

2009-10-27 Thread
the instructions in the file by copying it to ~/live/config/chroot_local-hooks , but lh_build exited with an error. I have been able to successfully create an image by running lh_config and then lh_build in a separate directory with none of the files modified. Tim Legg --

Re: German keyboard layout (AltGr-key)

2009-10-27 Thread
y doesn't work when I start the x-server the first time? Please give me some help, it is very important for me. Thank you very much. Best wishes Oliver -- -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Re: German keyboard layout (AltGr-key)

2009-10-28 Thread
Debian that is stable-version too. Do you think this is a bug of live-helper/debian-live or a bug of xorg? I think some (or most) of you must have the same problem when you build a liveCD based on Debian stable with German keyboard. Best wishes Oliver -- -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email

Re: German keyboard layout (AltGr-key)

2009-10-29 Thread
Hello Gerhard, thank you for your answers. I tried out quite the same . As described in my first post I tried: lh_config -b iso --bootappend-live "locale=de_DE.UTF-8 keyb=de" In config/chroot I set only the following options: SYSVINIT="enabled" Language="de" Packagelist="xserver" Packages="Sele

Re: German keyboard layout (AltGr-key)

2009-10-29 Thread
I solved the problem. It was because of a wrong configuration of the window manager JWM. You must change in the file .jwmrc the line nextstacked into next Best wishes Oliver -- -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of

How to startx automatically

2009-11-01 Thread
Hello, if I boot from my liveCD the boot process ends up at the shell (the user "user" is logged in). Then I have to type in "startx" to start the x-server. Is it possible to startx automatically? Thank you very much for your help. Best wishes Oliver --

Re: How to startx automatically

2009-11-01 Thread
Hello Daniel, I don't want to use a display manager for the liveCD and (I'm sorry) I can't find something appropiate in the wiki how to startx. Please can you give some more help to me? Thank you. Greetings, Oliver On Sun, 01 Nov 2009 11:26:46 +0100 Daniel Baumann wrote: &

Re: How to run a script when the live system boots

2009-11-01 Thread
It's a pity, but nobody replied to my (and Tim Legg's) post. I hope you don't mind, if I ask you again for your help. Thank you. Greetings, Oliver On Tue, 27 Oct 2009 21:05:56 +0100 "" wrote: > Hello, > > I tried to run a script immediately aft

Re: How to startx automatically

2009-11-01 Thread
First I added "gdm" to the packages and (second) I added "nodm". Nothing works at all. Everytime the boot process ends up with the shell ("u...@debian:"). The x-server doesn't start automatically. The problem is still unsolved. Do you have further help

Re: Broken documentation

2010-02-21 Thread
me to understand and to learn from other's questions. So more detailed answers would be a great help too. So what do I wish? An up to date manual with detailed and tested descriptions. And that you keep on developing Debian live because it's fantastic. Best wishes Oliver -- os.n..

German language, locale and keyboard

2010-10-24 Thread
ge-2.6" LB_PACKAGES_LISTS="standard-x11" LB_PACKAGES="abiword geany jwm rungetty xterm" File binary: LB_BOOTAPPEND_LIVE="locale=de_DE.UTF-8 keyb=de" Please can you tell me, what is wrong? Best wishes Oliver -- -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-

Re: German language, locale and keyboard

2010-10-24 Thread
ning: Type "ONE_LEVEL" has 1 level but has 2 symbols. Ignoring extra symbols. Please can you help again? Thank you very much. Best wishes Oliver -- -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Conta

Re: German language, locale and keyboard

2010-10-24 Thread
But there must be a difference between live-helper and an orginal Debian netinst-iamge. If I install Squeeze from a netinst-image the keyboard layout is OK. If I run the Live-CD that I created with live-helper the right ALT-key doesn' work (as mentioned before). -- -

Re: German language, locale and keyboard

2010-10-24 Thread
d layout and options, it's the same. > > are you sure your specifying the same layout and options? > -- -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact Archiv

Re: German language, locale and keyboard

2010-10-24 Thread
Some more information: If I start from the Live-CD and then enter sudo -i dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration and set the AltGR-key to "Right Alt (AltGr)" everything is OK. So why doesn't this happen automatically? Best wishes Oliver -- -- To UNSUBS

Re: German language, locale and keyboard

2010-10-25 Thread
Thank you very much for your help. I set keyboard-variants=nodeadkeys and now the AltGr-key works fine. -- -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact Arc

Size of the iso image

2010-10-29 Thread
the Squeeze-iso is 750 MB large. I don't think that the applications have grown so much from Lenny to Squeeze. Do I have to configure Squeeze live-helper to compress the iso-image? Thanks for your answer. Best wishes Oliver -- -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-live

Swap partition isn't activated

2010-10-31 Thread
Hello, when I boot from live cd (created with Squeeze live-helper) the swap partition isn't recognized and isn't activated. With Lenny the swap partition was activated automatically. Do I have to enter a boot option now? Thank you very much in advance. Best wishes Oliver -- os.n

Error message when booting from live CD

2010-10-31 Thread
... Buffer i/o error on device sr0, logical block ... After a couple of those error messages (while the CD stops), the boot process continues and works well. With Lenny live-helper I didn't get these error messages. Is this a bug of live-helper? Best wishes Oliver -- -

Re: Swap partition isn't activated

2010-10-31 Thread
Sorry, and thank you. I found it in manpage: swapon Best wishes Oliver -- -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact Archive:

Re: locales on live squeeze

2010-12-11 Thread
For a German keyboard I use --bootappend-live "locales=de_DE.UTF-8 keyboard-layouts=de keyboard-variants=nodeadkeys" Perhaps this is helpful for you. Best wishes Oliver -- -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of &q

live-build: xresprobe

2011-01-18 Thread
sprobe was removed from Squeeze. Would you please so kind and update live-build in Squeeze? Perhaps it is helpful for you to know that there was a bug report in January: Thank you in advance. Best wishes Oliver -- -- To U

Error of dpkg while installation of live-build 2.0.12

2011-02-02 Thread
Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden. Best wishes Oliver -- -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact Archive:

No file from live-build, version 3.0~a40-1

2012-01-15 Thread
Hello, I used the live-build webpage (live-build, version 3.0~a40-1) but I didn't get a downloadable file. Please can you tell what was wrong? Thank you in advance. Oliver Here are my options: Standard options Email: --binary-image: iso-hybrid --distribution: