I've tried to build a source archive with:
lh_config --source enabled --source-images tar
But the live-helper script breaks after it has finished the binary iso:
P: Begin copying live-helper configuration...
gzip: debian-live-config_20080919.1221838067.tar: No such file or directory
Hi list,
I'm using a local repository for building my live cd with debian-live.
So I write some additional sources.list-lines to a file and copy this
file to "config/chroot_sources/myrepo_repos.chroot".
I need this repository only for the build-process. So how can I avoid to
have these additional
>> I'm using a local repository for building my live cd with debian-live.
>> So I write some additional sources.list-lines to a file and copy this
>> file to "config/chroot_sources/myrepo_repos.chroot".
>> I need this repository only for the build-process. So how can I avoid to
>> have thes
>> I'm using a local repository for building my live cd with debian-live.
>> So I write some additional sources.list-lines to a file and copy this
>> file to "config/chroot_sources/myrepo_repos.chroot".
>> I need this repository only for the build-process. So how can I avoid to
>> have thes