this is to notify you a number of Clonezilla failures.
2.6.7-28 Debian based
image file name: clonezilla-live-2.6.7-28-i686-pae.iso
MB Gigabyt
Package: live-boot
Version: 1:20190614
Severity: important
Tags: patch upstream
Since Stretch, initramfs-tools has provided support for specifying
multiple stages for the parameter break=, which was introduced in
the commit b215c18c of initramfs-tools (#795832). However, the function
Package: live-boot
Version: 1:20190614
Severity: important
Tags: upstream patch
When break=mountroot is specified in the kernel parameter, the
overiding maybe_break will pull in the functions defined in
/scripts/functions, overiding not only panic, but mount_* as well,
resulting those mount_* func
This patch can also fix #971639
I found thisĀ question has already been asked here:
Unfortunately there was no accompanying answer.
Can anyone tell me what the deal is with live-build building 'stretch'
images instead of buster, and how one might fix this, assuming
There was an answer. https://lists.debian.org/debian-live/2019/10/msg3.html
On 04/10/2020, charlie101 wrote:
> I found thisĀ question has already been asked here:
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-live/2019/10/msg2.html.
> Unfortunately there was no accompanying answer.
> Can anyone t