Direktoriaus kontaktai - tai Jūsų klientas

2018-02-19 Thread Gautas pranešimas
Laba diena, Noriu Jus informuoti apie šių metų pasikeitimą dėl atnaujintos visos Lietuvos įmonių bazės 2018 metų sausio vidurio. Visi juridiniai asmenys pateikti bazėje yra veikiantys, realiai vykdantys veiklą, turintys įdarbintų darbuotojų. Duomenys pagal Sodrą, Registrų centrą. Bazėje nurod

Re: New team on salsa, which repositories shall we migrate?

2018-02-19 Thread Raphael Hertzog
Hi, On Sat, 17 Feb 2018, Steve McIntyre wrote: > >This seems to be an old copy of the live-build repo. > >Do we need it? > > That was what I thought, too, hence I left it. I think it can go. alioth always created a repository with the name of the project and in many case, it was just not used. T

Public marks with tag rsi

2018-02-19 Thread Tina Richardson
Hello, I just came across the Blogmarks.net piece, "Public marks with tag rsi." Nice job! As a heads up, you linked to the article "Troubles musculo-squelettiques (Repetitive Strain Injury)" on Climbtothestars.org which is not WC3 accessible for people with serious physical disabilities. Webs


2018-02-19 Thread Jesús San josé
Hello. My name is Jesus, i have recently installed debian live in a USB because My computer can't handdle another operating system. My problem is that i can't get acces to the root mode, because it asks me for a password. I have tried live, admin, root, toor, user but still can't get acces to th


2018-02-19 Thread Ben Caradoc-Davies
Jesús, last time I checked, the root password on live images is disabled. To run commands as root, use "sudo". You can get an interactive root shell with "sudo -i". The default live username is "user" with password "live" if you are prompted. Once you have root access, you can use "passwd" to