Re: could you please teach me, how to build debian livecd

2017-07-19 Thread Narcis Garcia
If you don't find easy enough documentation here, you can try with these Devuan guides: __ I'm using this express-made address because personal addresses aren't masked enough at this mail public archiv

Re: could you please teach me, how to build debian livecd

2017-07-19 Thread PICCORO McKAY Lenz
seems that those links are very more complicated rather than the live-build scripts of debian! Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO) 2017-07-19 3:04 GMT-04:00 Narcis Garcia : > If y

Re: could you please teach me, how to build debian livecd

2017-07-19 Thread PICCORO McKAY Lenz
yes definitively more complicated rather than.. go directly to examples: example 2 converting to a webbrowsing with personalized :

Lightdm and live-wrapper

2017-07-19 Thread Ozi Traveller
Hi How can I configure lightdm to use session-setup-script="path to script" and still autologin? It looks likes any changes to /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf cause autologin to fail. Is there another place where I can exec a scripts on login? Ozi