[PATCH] properly check if $rc_server1 is not ""

2014-03-25 Thread Evgeni Golov
From: Evgeni Golov `if [ "${rc_server1}" ! = "" ]` is wrong shell syntax --- components/9990-netbase.sh | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/components/9990-netbase.sh b/components/9990-netbase.sh index 496c3ff..af3522f 100755 --- a/components/9990-netbase.s

accessible debian live cd

2014-03-25 Thread Don Raikes
Hello, I am interested in creating an accessible debian live cd. My goal would be to start with, for example, the gnome-desktop live-image, and not only ensure that I could install it using a screenreader such as speakup/brltty, but also boot into the live system and have Braille and spee

Re: accessible debian live cd

2014-03-25 Thread Samuel Thibault
Don Raikes, le Tue 25 Mar 2014 11:05:57 -0700, a écrit : > I have tried simply including brltty libbrlapi0.5, python-brlapi and xbrlapi > in > the package-lists, but brltty never gets started. Could you upload that image somewhere so we can check what happens? Samuel -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email

Re: accessible debian live cd

2014-03-25 Thread Stefan Baur
Am 25.03.2014 19:05, schrieb Don Raikes: > Hello, > I am interested in creating an accessible debian live cd. I don't know why you're doing this - if your intent is to build a "stock Debian" live CD with acessibility features, then my following suggestion is not going to help you much. Or maybe y

Re: accessible debian live cd

2014-03-25 Thread Diederik de Haas
On Tuesday 25 March 2014 19:12:47 Samuel Thibault wrote: > Could you upload that image somewhere so we can check what happens? In addition to that, can you provide your configuration? The auto en config directories (and subdirs) should be enough. -- GPG: 0x138E41915C7EFED6 signature.asc Descri

cannot install the ISO

2014-03-25 Thread Federico Bruni
I've created my first image with live-build and I can run it as live. However, nothing happens when I click on Install or Graphical install in the boot menu. What can be wrong? Do you suggest adding the package debian-installer-launcher? I'm running it with: kvm -cdrom binary.hybrid.iso You c

hook to download git repositories in the user home

2014-03-25 Thread Federico Bruni
Hi all I'd like to be able to automatically download some git repositories in the home of the live user and also of any user installed. How can I achieve that? I've tried this: https://github.com/fedelibre/LilyDev/blob/master/config/includes.chroot/lib/live/config/2000-lilyrepo.hook but I gu

Re: hook to download git repositories in the user home

2014-03-25 Thread Ozi Traveller
Hi Federico At the point when that hook is executed is there a user with a home folder? Maybe you could do it when the user logs on for the first time. Try this it should give you the text installer. NB this config script is for veriosn 3.x of Live-build. #!/bin/sh set -e _DISTRIBUTION="whe

Re: cannot install the ISO

2014-03-25 Thread Daniel Baumann
On 03/26/2014 01:12 AM, Federico Bruni wrote: > What can be wrong? did you enable the installer in your config? if not, see live-manual on how to include it. -- Address:Daniel Baumann, Donnerbuehlweg 3, CH-3012 Bern Email: daniel.baum...@progress-technologies.net Internet:

Re: hook to download git repositories in the user home

2014-03-25 Thread Daniel Baumann
On 03/26/2014 01:16 AM, Federico Bruni wrote: > I'd like to be able to automatically download some git repositories in > the home of the live user and also of any user installed. How can I > achieve that? depends on when you want to run it. if you want to do it at build time, then use a live-buil