RE: How do I enable X autologin without using a display manager?

2009-03-31 Thread Fredrik Israelsson
Hi! Thank You for helping me! I have tried to edit the files you wrote about, but I still don't get it to work properly. In my Debian Live build, I have aldready got the line 1:2345:respawn:/bin/login -f user /dev/tty1 2&>1, and no line containing getty. Is this because if have configured the

Re: Setting the Live User uid

2009-03-31 Thread Marco Amadori
In data lunedì 30 marzo 2009 23:25:21, Sébastien Masset ha scritto: > I'm coming back to this issue after a while now but you'll find in this > mail an *untested* patch for live-initramfs to set the Live User UID > This is my first experience with using git and modifying either > live-initramfs o

RE: How do I enable X autologin without using a display manager?

2009-03-31 Thread Fredrik Israelsson
I can see now that in my DebianLive/chroot directory, the etc/inittab file contains 1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1 2:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty2 3:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty3 4:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty4 5:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty5 6:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 3840

Bug#520923: live-initramfs: booting with a bad disk in the system takes forever

2009-03-31 Thread Michal Suchanek
On 03/24/2009 10:28 PM, Michael Prokop wrote: [Cc-ing] * Michal Suchanek [20090324 18:53]: On 03/23/2009 11:28 PM, Michael Prokop wrote: An approach could be to use bootfrom=.../live-media=... in such a situation. Michal, does this help? Would be great if you could tr

Support for Eee PC camera

2009-03-31 Thread Ronny Standtke
Hi all Debian Live works great on Eee PCs but the integrated web cam does not work. The attached init script adds support for this. Feel free to use it. Greetings Ronny Standtke -- Ronny Standtke Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz Dozent Medienpädagogik / ICT Pädagogische Hochsch

Re: How do I enable X autologin without using a display manager?

2009-03-31 Thread Juergen Fiedler
If I am not mistaken, your inittab is modified from within the initramfs early during boot time. Adding 'noautologin' to the kernel parameters should stop that. You would the have to modify the line for tty1 by hand if you still want autologin. The error message from startx happens because 5 insta

Re: Support for Eee PC camera

2009-03-31 Thread Daniel Baumann
Ronny Standtke wrote: > Debian Live works great on Eee PCs but the integrated web cam does not > work. The attached init script adds support for this. Feel free to use > it. this should not be required, udev does load modules on demand. if it doesn't in a particular case, it's a bug in udev (and n

Re: How do I enable X autologin without using a display manager?

2009-03-31 Thread Iwan Setiawan
On Wednesday 01 April 2009 00:41:37 Juergen Fiedler wrote: > modify your inittab to only automatically log in to tty1. To do what Juergen said about changing /etc/inittab, is just copy /etc/inittab from your live system and edit it. Give comments on tty2-tty6 like this: 1:2345:respawn:/bin/log

RE: How do I enable X autologin without using a display manager?

2009-03-31 Thread Fredrik Israelsson
It works! Thank you, guys! I really don't know what I would do without you! The warmest of regards, Fredrik this something for the Debian Live Wiki or FAQ, or is it too much of a general Linux topic for that? If it fits for the Debian Live Wiki, is there anything I can do to help? > Fro