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prezes Urzędu Regulacji Energetyki zapowiada większe wzrosty cen prądu i gazu
niż przed rokiem i wyższe niż wskaźnik inflacji.
Czy w związku z podwyżkami energii chcieliby Państwo znacznie zmniejszyć
Instalacja paneli PV jest najlepszym sposobem na obniżenie wysokości r
Thanks. Good to know that I have been on the right track and not been missing
something obvious. Unfortunately none of the fiddlings with the templates have
worked. Let's see if someone else responds.
From: Lyndon Brown
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2021 1:45 PM
Yes, and those menu labels ultimately come from these bootloader
configs in the final live image.
live-build, during the bootloader phases of the build process, coping
the relevant bootloader configs from the
/usr/share/live/build/bootloaders, then if you have any of those
directories in your conf
Hi... I should have mentioned that I do have customized configs for syslinux
(syslinux + syslinux_common) and grub-pc in /bootloaders. This way I have, for
instance, customized boot and grub splashes. It's only the grub menu labels,
that too only for uefi installs, that doesn't seem to be workin