On Thu, 21 Nov 2019 at 16:07, Pablo Brasero Moreno wrote:
> * Adding it to config/includes.chroot/etc/apt.
> * Copying it in on a chroot hook.
> * Using the `--mirror-binary` option to `lb config`.
Looking at this example (linuxcnc has it's own apt repository)
Hello all,
I currently maintain a tiny ad-hoc distro based on Debian Live, for a local
community group. Something I haven't been able to figure out is how to
create an image that, on install, gets a custom `sources.list` instead of
the default one.
We have tried:
* Adding it to config/includes.c
Dear List,
A few weeks ago, i emailed the list seeking help to build my customize
version of debian xfce live built. I thank all people who respond their
advice was really helpful and it kept working on my working. however i face
another problem. i want to discuss with the list.
what i want to ach
my pendrive live (jessie) created under wheezy works fine with
persistence (/etc/network too with ip=frommedia)
Now under bullseye I created the file live-image-amd64.hybrid.iso
successfully but persistence and ip=frommedia don't work.
cat ~/auto/config
set -e
lb config noauto