Starting with buster, I haven't been able to setup a printer in cups.
I've tried the 10.0.0 and the 10.1.0 versions of the amd64 xfce live
image. 9.x xfce images worked OK, so something has changed.
apt-get update
apt-get install cups
/etc/init.d/cups start
To admin in cups, I use the menu
Good morning Jonathan and list group.
I personally think dropping i386 isn't a good thing to do. I,
personally, am trying to help developing countries (in Oceania) get
into Linux and many people rely on gifted hardware which much of it is
i386. If you decide to drop i386 you will limit how many pe
Hi Live team
For a while, the discussions have popped up whether we still want or
need i386 desktop live images. Building all those images and testing
them at a regular basis (sometimes regular as in, every few months) and
also at release time is quite tedious, and they're pretty much useless