there is a parameter to lb config called --architectures. It either does
not actually support multiple architectures at once, or behaves
differently than I expect. But my question to which I cannot find an
answer anywhere is: does this toolkit support creation of hybrid ISO
image with multi
> I had this issue, among many others, and found it to be that Live
> Build was occasionally building the iso in the root folder instead of
> the folder my config settings were in (in my home folder).
No luck on that, my /root is clean.
I really have no clue. Maybe an obscure syntaxe problem in co
Hi Johann
I had this issue, among many others, and found it to be that Live
Build was occasionally building the iso in the root folder instead of
the folder my config settings were in (in my home folder). You didn't
give us the entire command sequence so I am not sure of you have cd
into another di
I'm confused. I configure live-build to get it to compile a "buster",
and I still get a stretch result ! What could be hapenning ?
There's some loggs where you can see the "paradox".
++ lb clean --all
[2019-05-31 17:09:27] lb clean
P: Cleaning chroot
++ lb config
[2019-05-31 17:09:28] lb co