Odd install package selection

2013-06-26 Thread Robert Spencer
Hi, I'm using live-build 3.0.5 on squeeze. We have a custom install CD built with debian-cd. I want to make a hybrid live/install CD, but can't get the install package list to match our debian-cd install CDs package list? I'm baffled that there's as much difference as there is. For instance

Re: adding packages using live build

2013-06-26 Thread Ben Armstrong
On 25/06/13 09:00 PM, Jonathan Nadeau wrote: > hey Ben I have another question. I would just make a txt file with the > extra packages correct? After making this txt file I can just copy it > into the config/packages-list folder. Do i have to do any command with > lb? The reason why I ask is after

Re: large /pool folder in the iso image

2013-06-26 Thread Ben Armstrong
First of all, what's with putting the whole message in the Subject: field of your email? I had to copy and hand reformat the whole thing below. Please don't let that happen again. On 26/06/13 06:21 AM, Michael . wrote: > Re: Trying to build minimal live cd but get large /pool folder in the > iso i

Re: Trying to build minimal live cd but get large /pool folder in the iso image. Please find attached my auto config and also my config folder (tar.gz). As far as I am aware if I use packages.list.chr

2013-06-26 Thread Michael .
I forgot to add, sorry, that this is in Wheezy using Wheezy LiveBuild. On 26 June 2013 19:15, Michael . wrote: > >