I ran into this bug today using live-build 3.0~a17-1 while building a wheezy
lb config --distribution testing \
--apt-recommends false \
--volatile false \
--memtest none
I added the '--volatile false' option as a work around.
Unless that is per design
Thanks for your reply, Ben.
On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 4:02 PM, Ben Armstrong
> Unfortunately, what you're probably running into is a battle between the
> live image and the installer about what to do with the network. The live
> image will configure the network one way (usually NetworkManage
2011/5/31 Jordi Pujol :
> Hello,
> A Dimarts, 31 de maig de 2011 09:44:41, Michal Suchanek va escriure:
>> Since you are building kernel images you can also include overlayfs
> Overlayfs is easy, very fast, and reliable, (today is solved his last known
> bug),
> However, for a Debian Live sys
A Dimarts, 31 de maig de 2011 09:44:41, Michal Suchanek va escriure:
> Since you are building kernel images you can also include overlayfs
Overlayfs is easy, very fast, and reliable, (today is solved his last known
However, for a Debian Live system we should note that there is a ke
On 05/31/2011 10:12 AM, Peter Valdemar Mørch wrote:
> I boot up the live image, select "Live" from the boot menu. Once booted
> I dbl-click on "Debian Installer". It launches, asks me things (all
> defaults) and installs the system fine. Then I'm presented with "Debian
> installer main menu", with
I hope somebody can help me out:
I boot up the live image, select "Live" from the boot menu. Once booted I
dbl-click on "Debian Installer". It launches, asks me things (all defaults)
and installs the system fine. Then I'm presented with "Debian installer main
menu", with the "Configure the package
On 31/05/11 02:12 AM, shirish शिरीष wrote:
> Although if you look at the Releases link, it directly links to the
> directories. IMHO it should have linked to this page in the interim
> and from there the user can make his choices as to what or which he
> needs.
Sure. I haven't given much attention
2011/5/30 Ben Armstrong :
>> Lastly, the workaround given as the link
>> http://lists.debian.org/debian-live/2011/05/msg00144.html should
>> either have preceeded or have instructions before, during or after
>> downloading the live-build how to add that repo. because without a
>> functionin