Hi list,
this is mostly for mammadori,
16:50 < aym3ric> mammadori: we haven't found a way to make it work with
files yet though, only named partitions are recognised correctly
16:51 < aym3ric> mammadori: using an ext3 formatted file, ends up in a
nice ASCII debian logo and a suggestion to sen
Okulov Rostislav wrote:
> Hello, Chris.
Please don't mail me directly.
> So, why I need amiga package (console-keymaps-amiga_1.07-6_all.udeb)
> for my i386 (x86) only live-cd? And if it is possible, how can i
> workaround it by myself?
Technically, it's an amiga *keymap*; the package would inst
Your message dated Wed, 8 Oct 2008 09:38:30 +0100
with message-id <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
and subject line Re: Bug#501535: [live-helper] with ftp repository (only i386
and amd64 in it) i can't create live-cd
has caused the Debian Bug report #501535,
regarding [live-helper] with ftp repository (only i
Package: live-helper
Version: 1.0.1-1
Severity: |important|
--- Please enter the report below this line. ---
I'm using ftp://l4u.jinr.ru/debian/ repository it includes only amd64
and i386 arch's
If I check "add installer" checkbox I had an error like "No file