Re: GNU/LinEx, Debian, and the GNU FDL

2003-09-06 Thread Roland Mas
FDL problem alone would consider that the current situation isn't satisfying. > I won't discuss the issue with Branden Robinson, though. So be it. Please discuss it with me then. Or anyone else on debian-legal, actually. Ignore him at will. Please don't ignore his questions, though. Well, at least, not the ones I'd like an answer for. Thanks, Roland. -- Roland Mas How does an octopus go into battle? Fully-armed.

Re: A possible GFDL compromise: a proposal

2003-09-12 Thread Roland Mas
perception of the Debian spirit. I may be wrong and that may not be the most generally shared spirit amongst Debian developers, but it's definitely the spirit of this particular Debian developer. Roland. -- Roland Mas Just a little bit of you every day will surely keep the doctors away. -- Just a little bit of you (The Jackson Five)

Re: A possible GFDL compromise: a proposal

2003-09-21 Thread Roland Mas
ware. The DFSG obviously applies to Debian-the-OS, not Debian-the-project (since Debian-the-project also produces stuff not in Debian-the-OS, namely contrib and non-free packages). Or if you do, please be more specific which "Debian" you're referring to in your future posts. Ro

Re: A possible GFDL compromise: a proposal

2003-09-21 Thread Roland Mas
edded in documentation. Don't get me wrong: I have a tremendous respect for the FSF and the GNU project and what they do, but they shouldn't give Debian lessons on consistency of policies. Submit bugs where our policies are not being followed, yes. Tell us they are inconsistent, no. Not befo

Re: A possible GFDL compromise: a proposal

2003-09-21 Thread Roland Mas
's, and I also believe it's exactly what the words say. Of course, you're entitled to not agree on that, but please don't assert that the words say this or that unless you get wide consensus (which currently seems to exist, only not the wya you'd like it to be). Roland. --

Re: A possible GFDL compromise: a proposal

2003-09-21 Thread Roland Mas
Mathieu Roy, 2003-09-21 16:00:20 +0200 : > Roland Mas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a tapoté : > >> Mathieu Roy, 2003-09-21 12:30:21 +0200 : [...] >> > If the Debian project does not follow the rules that the Debian >> > project wrote itself for the Debian OS

Re: A possible GFDL compromise: a proposal

2003-09-21 Thread Roland Mas
the DFSG criteria. Again: your point is? I don't see how the example of a public domain book brings useful and relevant information to the debate of whether GFDL documents are free enough to be in Debian. Roland. -- Roland Mas Ace of clubs? Let's see that. European Juggling Conve

"Software" and its translations (was: A possible GFDL compromise: a proposal)

2003-09-22 Thread Roland Mas
u say "two softwares"?). > (I think that "programaro" (group around programs AIUI, translated > by some as collection of programs) or "softvaro" (imported word) > should be used instead of "programo" (lit. program) for its EO > translation.) I have no real clue about EO yet, but that sounds reasonable. Roland. -- Roland Mas When I eat a biscuit, it stays eaten! -- Arthur Dent, in So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish (Douglas Adams)

Re: A possible GFDL compromise: a proposal

2003-09-22 Thread Roland Mas
Note that the issue with software have nothing to do with false > friends. Logiciel and software have nothing in common. Uh, yes, they have, as described in another post by me in the same thread. Roland. -- Roland Mas Such compressed poems / With seventeen syllables / Can't have much

Re: Starting to talk

2003-09-22 Thread Roland Mas
st what is their interpretation of a text. We're doing precisely that. Again and again. Please read what people post. Roland. -- Roland Mas ar c t e l l ièu ai ia mi. -- Signatures à collectionner, série n°1, partie 2/3.

Re: A possible GFDL compromise: a proposal

2003-09-24 Thread Roland Mas
ct, 'software' means anything that is not > hardware. It does not mean just computer programs." Seconded. Roland. -- Roland Mas With the arrest of Dimitry Sklyarov it has become apparent that it is not safe for non US software engineers to visit the United States. - Alan Cox

Re: Plugins, libraries, licenses and Debian

2003-12-07 Thread Roland Mas
e using it for their programs, and I trust them to understand what it says. Especially when it's the subject of many controversies and FUD. Now your argument about what constitutes a derived work is worthy of consideration. Roland. -- Roland Mas Et c'est tellement plus mignon de se faire traiter de con en chanson... -- in En chantant (Michel Sardou)