Re: [cl-debian] cl-rfc2109: requesting comments

2007-11-27 Thread John Halton
On Tue, Nov 27, 2007 at 06:58:14PM +0100, Pierre THIERRY wrote: > Now that I think of it, quoting a copyrighted material doesn't give you > free material: you're not allowed to modify this quoted part, or you > would denature the original work, which is in utter violation of the > copyright, AFAIK.

Re: Bug#451799: new evince cannot display Japanese characters correctly

2007-11-27 Thread Josselin Mouette
clone 451799 -1 retitle 451799 evince should depend on poppler-data reassign -1 wnpp retitle -1 RFP: poppler-data -- Encoding data for the poppler PDF rendering library block 451799 by -1 thanks * Package name: poppler-data Version : 0.1.1 Upstream Author : Adobe, Red Hat * URL

Re: [cl-debian] cl-rfc2109: requesting comments

2007-11-27 Thread Pierre THIERRY
Scribit Luca Capello dies 25/11/2007 hora 19:33: > Back in October 2006, Pierre Thierry asked if these parts could be > allowed even if not-free [4], but no one answered him. Since I'm not > a license nor an RFC expert, here I am :-) Now that I think of it, quoting a copyrighted material doesn't