Re: Dell Inspiron 8000

2001-03-08 Thread Steve McIntyre
ine dependencies for you and install 8390 first. the 82557 is NOT an ne2000 clone - it's an Intel Etherexpress Pro 10/100 - use the eepro100 driver instead. -- Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK. [EMAIL PROTECTED] Getting a SCSI chain working is perfectly simple if you remember

Re: configurations, interfaces(5)

2001-06-21 Thread Steve McIntyre
.168.1.1, run samba >> On the road: through modem, run nothing > >Have a look at netenv, it should get you at least partway there, and you >could write a script that used the current netenv config to bring up the >relevant services/mount the relevant shares. Or check out div

Re: Debian FDISK vs. Microsoft Format

2001-08-16 Thread Steve McIntyre
since. Boot into Debian and blat that partition - dd over it, or mke2fs it. Then format under DOS/Win will do the correct thing. I still can't believe how bad Micro$oft's system tools are by default. The best thing to do with fdisk.exe, for example, is delete it before you're tempte

Re: Dell Inspiron 8000

2001-03-08 Thread Steve McIntyre
ine dependencies for you and install 8390 first. the 82557 is NOT an ne2000 clone - it's an Intel Etherexpress Pro 10/100 - use the eepro100 driver instead. -- Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK. [EMAIL PROTECTED] Getting a SCSI chain working is perfectly simple if you remem

Re: configurations, interfaces(5)

2001-06-21 Thread Steve McIntyre
.168.1.1, run samba >> On the road: through modem, run nothing > >Have a look at netenv, it should get you at least partway there, and you >could write a script that used the current netenv config to bring up the >relevant services/mount the relevant shares. Or check out div

Re: Debian FDISK vs. Microsoft Format

2001-08-15 Thread Steve McIntyre
since. Boot into Debian and blat that partition - dd over it, or mke2fs it. Then format under DOS/Win will do the correct thing. I still can't believe how bad Micro$oft's system tools are by default. The best thing to do with fdisk.exe, for example, is delete it before you're tempte

Re: How to Manage Linux laptops on and off the network?

2001-11-22 Thread Steve McIntyre
I'd heartily recommend divine - I've got it set up on a work laptop. It seamlessly detects several different company networks and my home networks and with some local scripting it's very powerful. -- Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK. [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's ac

Re: Smart relay setting for Exim...

2003-01-18 Thread Steve McIntyre
ire 1000 hours 86400 ) ; Minimum 24 hours @ IN NS wibble IN A IN MX 1 Hope this helps... -- Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.[E

Re: How to have more than one window manager?

2003-01-25 Thread Steve McIntyre
gt;this error message: > >/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm: bad command line option "fluxbox" > >Any comments welcome You could add something into your .xsession that does the right thing. For example, pop up a query using xmessage asking which wm you want and then run the right one. --

Re: Mail (smtp) config at different locations. Script or ..?

2003-03-10 Thread Steve McIntyre
ally, but imap keeps things in sync. The only issues I have with this setup all relate to uw-imapd being crap, but I'm toying with the idea of hacking on that to improve it, or even moving over to another imapd like courier. -- Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.[EMA

Re: Stolen laptop

2003-06-22 Thread Steve McIntyre
chance of working in most places. == #!/bin/sh # # laptop-location # # Try to work out where we are, and tell the world. Hopefully will # never be needed, but may help if somebody ever steals me... # # (c) 2003 Steve McIntyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> # Redistributable u

Re: Stolen laptop

2003-06-23 Thread Steve McIntyre
On Sun, Jun 22, 2003 at 08:22:43PM -0400, Joseph Barillari wrote: > >>>>>> "SM" == Steve McIntyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > >SM> I've been using the following for a while, which does just >SM> what you suggested. Run it out of /

Re: comapq armada m700 & ATI Rage Mobility P/M AGP 2x

2003-07-16 Thread Steve McIntyre
ian, but it's non-free software and was dropped before woody was released. -- Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.[EMAIL PROTECTED] Use Debian GNU/Linux - upgrade your Windoze box today! "Can't keep my eyes from the circling sky,

Re: mail synchronisation between laptop and desktop

2003-08-19 Thread Steve McIntyre
tart of Mbox mailboxes - and you could add your own search terms into the script to make it ignore other forms of dummy first message. . -- Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.[EMAIL PROTECTED] Getting a SCSI chai

Re: mail synchronisation between laptop and desktop

2003-08-19 Thread Steve McIntyre
aildir is grepping through mailboxes to find information is much more awkward. Perhaps it's time to run glimpse or similar... -- Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.[EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's actually quite entertaining to watch ag129 prop his foot up on the desk so he can get a better aim." [ seen in ]

Re: How to fix or disable the diskette on an A20P

2003-09-14 Thread Steve McIntyre
er source, or how to disable the drive completely? Ebay is good for this kind of thing. -- Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.[EMAIL PROTECTED] Lecture 3 - Over Excited Leaves pgp2LA2tNvaCO.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: How to Manage Linux laptops on and off the network?

2001-11-22 Thread Steve McIntyre
7;d heartily recommend divine - I've got it set up on a work laptop. It seamlessly detects several different company networks and my home networks and with some local scripting it's very powerful. -- Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK. [EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's ac

Re: Smart relay setting for Exim...

2003-01-18 Thread Steve McIntyre
ire 1000 hours 86400 ) ; Minimum 24 hours @ IN NS wibble IN A IN MX 1 Hope this helps... -- Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.[E

Re: How to have more than one window manager?

2003-01-25 Thread Steve McIntyre
gt;this error message: > >/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm: bad command line option "fluxbox" > >Any comments welcome You could add something into your .xsession that does the right thing. For example, pop up a query using xmessage asking which wm you want and then run the right one. --

Re: Mail (smtp) config at different locations. Script or ..?

2003-03-10 Thread Steve McIntyre
ally, but imap keeps things in sync. The only issues I have with this setup all relate to uw-imapd being crap, but I'm toying with the idea of hacking on that to improve it, or even moving over to another imapd like courier. -- Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.[EMA

Re: Stolen laptop

2003-06-22 Thread Steve McIntyre
chance of working in most places. == #!/bin/sh # # laptop-location # # Try to work out where we are, and tell the world. Hopefully will # never be needed, but may help if somebody ever steals me... # # (c) 2003 Steve McIntyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> # Redistributable u

Re: Stolen laptop

2003-06-23 Thread Steve McIntyre
On Sun, Jun 22, 2003 at 08:22:43PM -0400, Joseph Barillari wrote: > >>>>>> "SM" == Steve McIntyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > >SM> I've been using the following for a while, which does just >SM> what you suggested. Run it out of /

Re: comapq armada m700 & ATI Rage Mobility P/M AGP 2x

2003-07-16 Thread Steve McIntyre
ian, but it's non-free software and was dropped before woody was released. -- Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.[EMAIL PROTECTED] Use Debian GNU/Linux - upgrade your Windoze box today! "Can't keep my eyes from the circling sky,

Re: mail synchronisation between laptop and desktop

2003-08-19 Thread Steve McIntyre
tart of Mbox mailboxes - and you could add your own search terms into the script to make it ignore other forms of dummy first message. . -- Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.[EMAIL PROTECTED] Getting a SCSI chai

Re: mail synchronisation between laptop and desktop

2003-08-19 Thread Steve McIntyre
aildir is grepping through mailboxes to find information is much more awkward. Perhaps it's time to run glimpse or similar... -- Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.[EMAIL PROTECTED] "It's actually quite entertaining to watch ag129 prop his foot up on the des

Re: How to fix or disable the diskette on an A20P

2003-09-14 Thread Steve McIntyre
er source, or how to disable the drive completely? Ebay is good for this kind of thing. -- Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.[EMAIL PROTECTED] Lecture 3 - Over Excited Leaves pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian Users...

2003-11-20 Thread Steve McIntyre
takes a fair bit of configuration, but it's fast, small and absolutely bomb-proof in my experience. And several of the newer WMs still don't match its features... -- Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.[EMAIL PROTECTED] Support the Campaign for Audiovisu

Re: Debian Users...

2003-11-20 Thread Steve McIntyre
takes a fair bit of configuration, but it's fast, small and absolutely bomb-proof in my experience. And several of the newer WMs still don't match its features... -- Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.[EMAIL PROTECTED] Support the Campaign for Audiovisu