Were you able to get more than 800x600x16 using FB?
I'm just concious of the fact that the machine has an 8mb 3d card - it seems
a bit weak. Hopefully this is something which should develop in the future?
Many Thanks & Kind Regards,
> --
> From: Stephan[SMTP:[EMAIL PROT
I have 2 netdoc port-replicators (one for home, one for work) and they seem
One thing I've been careful to do though, is use different pcmcia devices (3
different ethernet - 1 in each port-replicator, and one in the "local"
pcmcia and a modem card also)
I only use the DVD drive as a CDROM un
Hi Norm,
Would it be possible for you to describe what "tweaking" you did in order to
get X working on the 8100 please? If possible could you attach the config
file (either privately or to the list).
(I still haven't got it working!).
Many Thanks,
> --
> From: Norman Wal
Thanks, Norm - I'll give it a try tonight!!
> --
> From: Norman Walsh[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Reply To: Norman Walsh
> Sent: 30 June 2000 11:28
> To: Pugh Mike ML
> Subject: Re: questions about toshiba tecr
> Reply To: Norman Walsh
> Sent: 30 June 2000 11:28
> To: Pugh Mike ML
> Subject: Re: questions about toshiba tecra 8100
> / Pugh Mike ML <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
> | Would it
Apologies for not being able to help, and good look finding your answer!
Kind Regards,
> --
> From: brent harding[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 13 July 2000 04:26
> To: Pugh Mike ML
> Subject: RE: questions about toshiba tecra 8100
Hi Bill,
I had the opposite happen to me!
I did a slink install & potato upgrade on a Dell Lattitude A300 - the xdm
script runs but doesn't run!
I then get a regular tty from which to "startx". Not a problem, but
interesting that we had the opposite requirements and initial results!
I must say
This would be great timing if you get it sorted out!
I've just ordered an 8100 to replace my current Dell Lattitude CPi
please keep the list informed of progress / success!!
> --
> From: Norman Walsh[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 15 May 2000 15:30
> To: Peter
Were you able to get more than 800x600x16 using FB?
I'm just concious of the fact that the machine has an 8mb 3d card - it seems
a bit weak. Hopefully this is something which should develop in the future?
Many Thanks & Kind Regards,
> --
> From: Stephan[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTE
I have 2 netdoc port-replicators (one for home, one for work) and they seem
One thing I've been careful to do though, is use different pcmcia devices (3
different ethernet - 1 in each port-replicator, and one in the "local"
pcmcia and a modem card also)
I only use the DVD drive as a CDROM und
Hi Norm,
Would it be possible for you to describe what "tweaking" you did in order to
get X working on the 8100 please? If possible could you attach the config
file (either privately or to the list).
(I still haven't got it working!).
Many Thanks,
> --
> From: Norman Wals
Thanks, Norm - I'll give it a try tonight!!
> --
> From: Norman Walsh[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Reply To: Norman Walsh
> Sent: 30 June 2000 11:28
> To: Pugh Mike ML
> Cc: debian-laptop@lists.debian.org
> Subject: Re: question
> Reply To: Norman Walsh
> Sent: 30 June 2000 11:28
> To: Pugh Mike ML
> Cc: debian-laptop@lists.debian.org
> Subject: Re: questions about toshiba tecra 8100
> / Pugh Mike ML <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
Apologies for not being able to help, and good look finding your answer!
Kind Regards,
> --
> From: brent harding[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 13 July 2000 04:26
> To: Pugh Mike ML
> Subject: RE: questions about toshiba tecra 8100
Hi Greg,
I think you're right - it's the libc version.
On the 4.4.1 CD, it provides two versions of Applix for Linux - one for each
of the "new" and "old" libc's (the in-cd booklet shows this using Red Hat 4
and Red Hat 5).
Have you tried installing the "new" one? (maybe try the "Red Hat 5.x"
Hi Greg,
I think you're right - it's the libc version.
On the 4.4.1 CD, it provides two versions of Applix for Linux - one for each
of the "new" and "old" libc's (the in-cd booklet shows this using Red Hat 4
and Red Hat 5).
Have you tried installing the "new" one? (maybe try the "Red Hat 5.x"
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