External monitor

2004-08-12 Thread Piero Furiesi
(that keystroke in WinXP was used to cicle through notebook display/external monitors/both) nor closing the computer lid. I also tried to connect a TV set to the tv output port with a 75 Ohm cable, getting no better result.   Many thanks,           Piero Furiesi   Following is a

Re: External monitor

2004-08-31 Thread Piero Furiesi
>Try turning the laptop off. Pluging in the external monitor, then >turning on the monitor. > >-sime Ohhh... so easy! :-O Many thanks to sime, Eric Peterson & Vampir0 Ner0. Any tip about the TV-output (PAL/NTSC)? Piero

Alt-SysRq & kernel 2.6.8: HOWTO?

2004-10-01 Thread Piero Furiesi
Hi all,   I'd like to enable "magic" alt-sysrq on kernel 2.6.8.   I noticed that 'make menuconfig' had no option about CONFIG_MAGIC_SYSRQ, so I manually added CONFIG_MAGIC_SYSRQ=y in my .config and recompiled the kernel, with no success.   Anyone got the hack?   Piero Furiesi  

Re: Alt-SysRq & kernel 2.6.8: HOWTO?

2004-10-04 Thread Piero Furiesi
>IIRC, You have to enable kernel hacking. Then the Mag-Sys-Reg-key-config >should appear. Well, I thougth that were the solution. But the "Magic SysReq" option for kernel 2.6.x is now under "Kernel debugging"... I found it! anyway, thanks.

Synaptics Touchpad (again!...) X ok / console ko

2004-10-06 Thread Piero Furiesi
(-D) and error printing (-e), I see a lot of "error read()ing: couldn't find file" messages. Anyone can help? Bye, Piero Furiesi (*)I read threads started by: ".: Alex Budianto :."; "jyb"; "The Durston-Smiths"; and "Filipe Santa-Clara".

Re: Synaptics Touchpad (again!...) X ok / console ko

2004-10-07 Thread Piero Furiesi
>Try adding "psmouse.proto=imps" parameter to the kernel. Even though I >don't use gpm, it brought back the taping funcionality to X. Use of psmouse.proto=imps causes Synaptics not to be found on boot; so I think I'll continue to use xfree86-driver-synaptics under X and 'gpm -m /dev/psaux -t imp

Some notes about woody on Omnibook XE3

2004-02-25 Thread Piero Furiesi
ith "vesa" driver, best with "fbdev". Not with "i801".   Sound, Network adapter,... ==     See link above. All is ok.       Comment from Omnibook Debian users will be welcome.   Piero Furiesi  

Re: Alt-SysRq & kernel 2.6.8: HOWTO?

2004-10-04 Thread Piero Furiesi
>IIRC, You have to enable kernel hacking. Then the Mag-Sys-Reg-key-config >should appear. Well, I thougth that were the solution. But the "Magic SysReq" option for kernel 2.6.x is now under "Kernel debugging"... I found it! anyway, thanks.

Synaptics Touchpad (again!...) X ok / console ko

2004-10-06 Thread Piero Furiesi
(-D) and error printing (-e), I see a lot of "error read()ing: couldn't find file" messages. Anyone can help? Bye, Piero Furiesi (*)I read threads started by: ".: Alex Budianto :."; "jyb"; "The Durston-Smiths"; and "Filipe Santa-Clara".

Alt-SysRq & kernel 2.6.8: HOWTO?

2004-10-01 Thread Piero Furiesi
Hi all,   I'd like to enable "magic" alt-sysrq on kernel 2.6.8.   I noticed that 'make menuconfig' had no option about CONFIG_MAGIC_SYSRQ, so I manually added CONFIG_MAGIC_SYSRQ=y in my .config and recompiled the kernel, with no success.   Anyone got the hack?   Piero Furiesi  

Some notes about woody on Omnibook XE3

2004-02-25 Thread Piero Furiesi
ith "vesa" driver, best with "fbdev". Not with "i801".   Sound, Network adapter,... ==     See link above. All is ok.       Comment from Omnibook Debian users will be welcome.   Piero Furiesi  

External monitor

2004-08-13 Thread Piero Furiesi
(that keystroke in WinXP was used to cicle through notebook display/external monitors/both) nor closing the computer lid. I also tried to connect a TV set to the tv output port with a 75 Ohm cable, getting no better result.   Many thanks,           Piero Furiesi   Following is a

Re: External monitor

2004-08-31 Thread Piero Furiesi
>Try turning the laptop off. Pluging in the external monitor, then >turning on the monitor. > >-sime Ohhh... so easy! :-O Many thanks to sime, Eric Peterson & Vampir0 Ner0. Any tip about the TV-output (PAL/NTSC)? Piero