Re: Thinkpad 770 screen problem

2008-07-09 Thread James Tappin
#x27;t be able to get 1024x768 at 24 bpp, and I'm not sure that even 16 would work (back in antiquity I recall that an 8Mb card could not do 1280x1024 at 24 -- and that is only an apparent 3.75Mb). So my guess is you'll only get the full resolution in 8bpp. -- +-----

Re: 5.25 inch USB drive?

2008-12-03 Thread James Tappin
5.25 out of the defunct machine and put it in a newer machine, and you're set. -- ++---+-+ | James Tappin | School of Physics & Astronomy | O__| | [EMAIL PROTECT

Airport problem

2004-07-19 Thread James Tappin
have any idea what to try (other than dumping the ME102 and getting a decent AP). TIA James -- ++---+-+ | James Tappin | School of Physics & Astronomy | O__| | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham |

Re: Airport problem

2004-07-20 Thread James Tappin
On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 16:55:39 -0400 Derrik Pates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: DP> James Tappin wrote: DP> > I have an iBook with an airport card which is configured to DP> > dual-boot Debian Sarge or OSX Panther, that I would like to be DP> > able to use on both the wire

Re: Airport problem

2004-07-21 Thread James Tappin
cess point where there are continual variations even when the computer is just sitting on my desk). James -- ++-------+-+ | James Tappin | School of Physics & Astronomy | O__| | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham |

Re: Thinkpad 760el

2005-03-22 Thread James Tappin
I use debconf, or is there a howto for configuring xf86config. PC> PC> I use to do the XF86Configurator bit, but have lost me touch. The Debian X configuration tool is: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 James -- ++-------+-+ | Jame

Re: dhcp setup on debian woody

2002-11-26 Thread James Tappin
upgrade PL> to lilo made my system not to boot again. :-) Doing "dpkg -l dhcp\*" will give you a full list of available dhcp packages, you need either dhcp-client or dhcp3-client (and -common apt-get will add that for you). James -- ++----

Re: What happen with my screen

2003-02-17 Thread James Tappin
f its happening over days then probably a hardware problem. James -- ++---+-+ | James Tappin | School of Physics & Astronomy | O__| | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham | -- \/` | | Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722 | | ++-+

Re: xdm and twm

2003-03-11 Thread James Tappin
efault login manager James -- ++-------+-+ | James Tappin | School of Physics & Astronomy | O__| | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham | -- \/` | | Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722 | | ++-+

Switching from static IP to DHCP

2003-03-17 Thread James Tappin
James -- ++---+-----+ | James Tappin | School of Physics & Astronomy | O__| | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham | -- \/` | | Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722 | | ++-+

Re: toshiba 490XCDT

2002-09-23 Thread James Tappin
thing I've been meaning to try is to give the refresh rates a list of fixed frequencies as drawn from the manual rather than the range from min to max as deduced from the allowed modes list in the manual. James -- ++-------+-+ | James

Re: Seeking recommendation for Laptop, must satisfy:

2002-10-08 Thread James Tappin
y is when the capabilities of the screen and the projector don't match up and the X-configurations give problems. James -- +----+---+-+ | James Tappin | School of Physics & Astronomy | O__| | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Universit

Re: toshiba 490XCDT

2002-09-23 Thread James Tappin
he other thing I've been meaning to try is to give the refresh rates a list of fixed frequencies as drawn from the manual rather than the range from min to max as deduced from the allowed modes list in the manual. James -- ++-------+-+ | James

Re: Seeking recommendation for Laptop, must satisfy:

2002-10-08 Thread James Tappin
y is when the capabilities of the screen and the projector don't match up and the X-configurations give problems. James -- +----+---+-+ | James Tappin | School of Physics & Astronomy | O__| | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Universit

Re: dhcp setup on debian woody

2002-11-26 Thread James Tappin
upgrade PL> to lilo made my system not to boot again. :-) Doing "dpkg -l dhcp\*" will give you a full list of available dhcp packages, you need either dhcp-client or dhcp3-client (and -common apt-get will add that for you). James -- ++----

Re: What happen with my screen

2003-02-17 Thread James Tappin
f its happening over days then probably a hardware problem. James -- ++---+-+ | James Tappin | School of Physics & Astronomy | O__| | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham | -- \/` | | Ph: 0121-414-

Re: xdm and twm

2003-03-11 Thread James Tappin
efault login manager James -- ++-------+-+ | James Tappin | School of Physics & Astronomy | O__| | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham | -- \/` | | Ph: 01

Switching from static IP to DHCP

2003-03-17 Thread James Tappin
James -- ++---+-----+ | James Tappin | School of Physics & Astronomy | O__| | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham | -- \/` | | Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722 | | ++-+ --

Re: Pb with pcmcia ethernet xircom and kernel 2.6

2004-01-21 Thread James Tappin
adding it to /etc/modules. [Try "modprobe psmouse" and if it works, then add it to the modules list]. James -- ++-------+-----+ | James Tappin | School of Physics & Astronomy | O__| | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: USB mouse won't work

2004-04-22 Thread James Tappin
then they will in future be autoloaded at boot time. James -- +--------+---+-+ | James Tappin | School of Physics & Astronomy | O__| | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham | -- \/` | | Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722 | | +-

Re: USB mouse won't work

2004-04-22 Thread James Tappin
uot;mousedev" in order to use my usb mouse under X ? MB> What is the "usb mouse module" you are talking about (is it hid ?) These are specific to 2.6 IIRC (On my 2.6 boxes I have mousedev and psmouse loaded, but they have PS/2 mice). James -- +----+---

Re: Pb with pcmcia ethernet xircom and kernel 2.6

2004-01-21 Thread James Tappin
adding it to /etc/modules. [Try "modprobe psmouse" and if it works, then add it to the modules list]. James -- ++-------+-----+ | James Tappin | School of Physics & Astronomy | O__| | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: USB mouse won't work

2004-04-22 Thread James Tappin
then they will in future be autoloaded at boot time. James -- +--------+---+-+ | James Tappin | School of Physics & Astronomy | O__| | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham | -- \/` | | Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722 | | ++-+

Re: USB mouse won't work

2004-04-22 Thread James Tappin
uot;mousedev" in order to use my usb mouse under X ? MB> What is the "usb mouse module" you are talking about (is it hid ?) These are specific to 2.6 IIRC (On my 2.6 boxes I have mousedev and psmouse loaded, but they have PS/2 mice). James -- +----+---

Airport problem

2004-07-19 Thread James Tappin
have any idea what to try (other than dumping the ME102 and getting a decent AP). TIA James -- ++---+-+ | James Tappin | School of Physics & Astronomy | O__| | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham |

Re: Airport problem

2004-07-20 Thread James Tappin
On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 16:55:39 -0400 Derrik Pates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: DP> James Tappin wrote: DP> > I have an iBook with an airport card which is configured to DP> > dual-boot Debian Sarge or OSX Panther, that I would like to be DP> > able to use on both the wire

Re: Airport problem

2004-07-21 Thread James Tappin
cess point where there are continual variations even when the computer is just sitting on my desk). James -- ++-------+-+ | James Tappin | School of Physics & Astronomy | O__| | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Birmingham |